The sports alliance has been appealing for help from the municipality since last summer.

"When we calculated the project, there was no war in Ukraine and galloping interest rates," says Sven-Erik Rhen.

When asked if they were naïve when they started the construction project with historically low interest rates, Sven-Erik is hesitant.

"In a way, you might say that, but we didn't count low on revenues and interest rate hikes of around three percent. Now the interest rate is up to 5.2 percent and costs have soared. We didn't take that into account, admittedly.

Hear him tell us more about the tough situation and hopes for the future in the video.

Storfors Municipality guaranteed the investment

The project was not the Sports Alliance's idea from the beginning.

"There were entrepreneurs who were interested in building a padel hall. Then the municipality turned to us and asked if we were interested because we as an association could apply for support from, for example, the General Inheritance Fund. The municipality stepped up as a creditor and then we decided to invest," says Sven-Erik Rhen.

Wants Storfors municipality to take over ownership

But now the situation is completely different. And the Sports Alliance is not up to the task.

Since last summer, they have been applying for the municipality's support.

"The best thing would be for the municipality to take over ownership and we continue to operate as before," says Rhine.

At the municipal board meeting on Monday, the hall was on the agenda. Municipal Manager Johan Rosqvist has developed nine different proposals on how the municipality can act. Everything from higher grants, to the municipality taking over, to consequences for the municipality as a creditor if the hall goes bankrupt.

Decision on the future of the hall on 22 January

The decision was postponed to 22 January. Until then, the municipality will step in and support the Sports Alliance's interest costs.

"I can't really say how long we can support them. The municipal executive board requested more information about, among other things, the economic situation in order to be able to make a decision, therefore we postponed it until 22 January, says Eva-Lotta Härdig Eriksson (S), municipal commissioner and chairman of the municipal board.