Beijing, 12 Dec (Xinhua) -- Do your utmost to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property -- All parties have implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and gone all out to carry out the earthquake relief in Jishishan

Xinhua News Agency reporter

At 18:23 on the 59th, a strong earthquake struck Jishishan Baoan Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, with a magnitude of 6.2 and a depth of 10 kilometers. As of 19:13 on the 113th, the earthquake has killed 536 people and injured 14 people. Haidong City, Qinghai Province, across the river from Jishishan County, killed 198 people and injured <> in the quake.

After the earthquake, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, state president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, issued important instructions, calling for all-out search and rescue, timely treatment of the injured, minimizing casualties, preventing secondary disasters, organizing the allocation of emergency rescue materials as soon as possible, rushing to repair damaged infrastructure such as electricity, communications, transportation, and heating, properly relocating the affected people, and ensuring their basic livelihood.

To implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, all parties quickly assembled, went all out to investigate, search and rescue, treat the wounded, open up the rescue channel, try their best to resettle the affected people, rush to repair the disaster-stricken infrastructure, and strictly prevent secondary disasters such as aftershocks and low temperatures...... The work of earthquake relief was carried out in an intense and orderly manner.

Rescue, a race against time

The State Council Earthquake Relief Headquarters and the Ministry of Emergency Management have upgraded the national earthquake emergency response to Level 2, and the National Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Relief Committee and the Ministry of Emergency Management have upgraded the national disaster relief emergency response to Level 2.

Disaster is an order. After the earthquake, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and the People's Armed Police Force (PAP) dispatched a number of rescue forces to the earthquake-stricken areas. About 76 officers and men of a brigade of the 300th Group Army of the Army were dispatched overnight and arrived at the earthquake-stricken area of Jishishan at about 4 a.m., and quickly launched search and rescue personnel and road clearance. The Gansu Armed Police Corps dispatched more than 300 officers and soldiers and more than 40 vehicles to four villages in Liuji Township, Jishishan County, to undertake tasks such as search and rescue, transportation of the wounded, clearing roads, and setting up tents. The Linxia Military Sub-district of the Gansu Provincial Military Region organized militia members to rush to various points to carry out tasks in groups according to the division of tasks.

Gansu Province mobilized more than 1500,1500 national comprehensive fire and rescue teams and more than 4200,268 public security officers to rush to the disaster area. Haidong City, Qinghai Province, organized more than 8246,<> rescue forces such as health, public security, and fire fighting, and mobilized <> sets of large-scale rescue equipment and <>,<> sets of rescue equipment to go to the front line.

Save lives, race against time. The National Health Commission urgently dispatched comrades in charge of medical emergency work and national-level experts from Peking Union Medical College Hospital and West China Hospital of Sichuan University in the departments of intensive care, orthopedics, neurosurgery, and general surgery to the disaster-stricken areas in Gansu; organized three national emergency medical rescue teams from Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Ningxia neighboring Gansu provinces to quickly assemble and go to Gansu and Qinghai provinces to provide support as soon as possible.

Medical institutions at all levels in Gansu Province dispatched 19 rescue teams of 386 people to Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture and Jishishan Baoan Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County to carry out comprehensive search and rescue, transport and treatment of the wounded. Localities have set up treatment points in township health centers, and set up green channels in prefecture-level and county-level hospitals to classify and dispose of the wounded in a timely manner, and those with minor injuries are treated on the spot and those with serious injuries are transferred to prefecture and county hospitals for treatment.

The reporter saw in the Jishishan County Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine in Gansu Province that there were serious cracks in the inpatient building, and the medical staff temporarily set up beds on the side of the road, bandaged minor injuries on the spot, and were sent to Jishishan County People's Hospital after simple treatment of serious injuries.

Haidong City, Qinghai Province, dispatched 64 ambulances, 1404,144 medical personnel, and treated <> earthquake victims.

The National Health Commission has guided the establishment of a joint expert group to consult with local medical personnel on the admission and treatment of the wounded, investigate hidden injuries one by one, formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan for each person, and make every effort to treat the wounded.

Rush to repair and open up the channel of life

The earthquake caused damage to some infrastructure such as water, electricity, transportation, and communications. The relevant departments immediately organized professional forces to make every effort to open up the life channel.

After the earthquake, the Ministry of Transport deployed earthquake relief work, instructed the Gansu transportation department to make every effort to do a good job in emergency rescue, disaster damage investigation, and smooth communication, and dispatched the highway departments in Gansu, Qinghai and other places to investigate the operation of the road network around the epicenter and understand and verify the disaster. Closely follow up and comprehensively investigate the damage to railways, highways, civil aviation, postal services, etc. in the disaster area, ensure the smooth flow of the road network, pay attention to safety, and prevent secondary disasters. Coordinate the central enterprises around the station to set up an emergency rescue team, find out the relevant situation of the emergency material reserve center and the combat readiness steel bridge, and be ready to mobilize support at any time.

The Gansu Provincial Department of Transportation sent a working group to the disaster area to organize forces to clean up the affected roads, strengthen aftershock monitoring, prevent secondary disasters, and open emergency rescue channels to ensure the free and fast passage of rescue vehicles. Up to now, trunk roads and epicenter rural roads have been rushed through.

The Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security has launched a joint logistics mechanism for transportation support for earthquake relief in Gansu, monitoring the traffic situation around Gansu and especially around the earthquake area 24 hours a day, and dispatching and dealing with emergency traffic police situations in a timely manner. The Gansu and Qinghai traffic police corps launched special emergency plans, and the Shaanxi and Ningxia traffic police corps actively cooperated with the remote diversion, publicity and persuasion.

As of 19:18 on the 30th, the power supply of the damaged backbone network in the earthquake-stricken area of Jishishan County has been restored, and as of 19:19 on the 21th, the power supply of users affected by the earthquake in Qinghai has been fully restored.

The State Grid Gansu Provincial Electric Power Company launched the emergency response as soon as possible, and the personnel of the provincial, municipal and county three-level command center quickly arrived at their posts to organize Linxia Company to conduct all-round special inspections and inspections of its substations, power supply lines and power equipment, and at the same time arranged and deployed in accordance with the Jishishan County Earthquake Relief Headquarters to provide temporary power supply guarantee for some power outage users and temporary resettlement points for residents. The State Grid Gansu Liujiaxia Hydropower Plant has carried out a comprehensive post-earthquake investigation, and the power generation equipment and dam facilities are operating normally.

resettlement to ensure the livelihood of the masses

The earthquake occurred in an area with high altitude and low temperature. In the past few days, there has been a cold wave, and the outdoor temperature has dropped to below zero, and the air has turned into ice.

In order to cope with the superimposed impact of cold weather on earthquake relief, the National Development and Reform Commission immediately activated the emergency response mechanism, did a good job in ensuring the supply of energy, electricity and daily necessities, actively guided power grid enterprises to repair damaged power facilities, organized emergency power supply, and made every effort to ensure people's livelihood and key electricity needs;

The National Committee for Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Relief and the Ministry of Emergency Management urgently allocated central relief materials to the earthquake-stricken areas of Gansu and Qinghai provinces to support the temporary resettlement and livelihood assistance of the affected people.

The Red Cross Society of China urgently activated the second-level emergency response and dispatched a working team to the disaster area to carry out earthquake relief work. At the same time, the coordination mechanism of the Northwest Cooperation Zone of the Red Cross Emergency Rescue was launched, and the Red Cross search and rescue, medical and relief teams were dispatched to the front line of the disaster area to carry out rescue, and the first batch of emergency disaster relief funds of 500 million yuan was allocated, and 700 cotton tents, 2000,12700 folding beds, 4500,1000 quilts, <>,<> cotton clothes and <>,<> family bags were allocated.

The reporter saw at the temporary resettlement site in Jishishan County, Gansu Province, that relief materials had arrived one after another.

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Emergency Management urgently allocated 2 million yuan of central natural disaster relief funds for Gansu and Qinghai provinces to support the two provinces in earthquake disaster relief work, coordinate the use of emergency rescue and rescue work for the affected people, and focus on emergency response such as search and rescue, transfer and resettlement of disaster victims, danger removal and risk removal, investigation and emergency rectification of secondary disasters, and repair of damaged houses. The Gansu Provincial Department of Finance urgently allocated 2000 million yuan in earthquake relief funds to help the disaster areas properly resettle the affected people.

The State Administration of Financial Supervision has activated the emergency response mechanism, coordinated and guided the local supervision bureaus, property insurance companies, life insurance companies, and banking institutions to activate emergency plans, and do a good job in insurance claims services. The State Administration of Financial Supervision stressed that it is necessary to open a green channel, simplify the procedures for settling claims, and effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives and property. Banking and insurance institutions are required to increase relevant support for disaster-stricken areas and restore local basic financial services in a timely manner. Urge the local banking and insurance industries to strengthen their own safety production management, scientific rescue, and strict prevention of secondary disasters.

The Ministry of Natural Resources launched a Level III response to geological disaster prevention, and sent an expert working group to the disaster area to assist and guide the local government to do a good job in rescue technical support, secondary disaster investigation, emergency response, etc. The Ministry of Natural Resources has asked Gansu and Qinghai provinces to organize and carry out inspections and investigations in a timely manner, earnestly do a good job in monitoring and early warning, consultation, research and judgment, on-duty duty, and information reporting, and report important situations to the Ministry in a timely manner; the China Geological Survey and the Geological Disaster Technical Guidance Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources will continue to strengthen organization and coordination and expert scheduling, and assist and guide local governments to do a good job in consultation, research, judgment, and emergency response.

The China Meteorological Administration (CMA) has launched a second-level emergency response to earthquake disaster meteorological services. The forecast shows that in the next 10 days, there will be no precipitation process in Jishishan County.

At the scene of the earthquake-stricken area in Jishishan County, Gansu Province, this reporter saw that stoves had been turned on in temporary resettlement sites in some areas to boil hot water for the affected people. Bowls of steaming beef noodles and millet porridge were also distributed to the affected people in some of the resettlement sites. Employees of a catering company in Lanzhou spontaneously rushed to Dahe Village, Dahejia Town, Jishishan County, and provided more than 1000,200 beef noodles to the local people. The staff of a clinic in Dahe Village boiled millet porridge and distributed it to the affected people free of charge. The person in charge of a local food company drove himself and brought <> pieces of peach pastry.

As of about 19:21 on the 30th, the reporter saw at the temporary resettlement site near the Dahe Village Village Committee that the warm tents and heating stoves had been basically installed, and some tents had seen smoke rise.

Rescue efforts are ongoing.

The Gansu Provincial Earthquake Relief Headquarters said that the next step will be to focus on the needs of the affected people, effectively protect the lives of the people in the disaster area, make every effort to organize and carry out disaster investigation and rescue work, and make every effort to prevent secondary disasters from the earthquake.