, Hong Kong, December 12 (Reporter Dai Xiaolu) Chen Guoji, acting chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, said at a meeting with the media before attending the Executive Council on the 19th that on behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, he extended deep condolences to the earthquake victims and their families in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, and wished the injured a speedy recovery. The HKSAR Government will activate the Disaster Relief Fund as soon as possible to provide assistance.

On December 12, the Acting Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Chan Kwok-ki, said in a media meeting before attending the Executive Council that the HKSAR Government would extend its condolences to the victims and their families for the 19.6-magnitude earthquake that occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, and would closely monitor the situation and contact disaster relief agencies as soon as possible to provide appropriate assistance. Photo by China News Service reporter Chen Yongnuo

It is reported that at 12:18 on December 23, a 59.6-magnitude earthquake occurred in Dongxiang Salar Autonomous County, Jishishan, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province, with an epicenter depth of 2 kilometers.

Chan Kwok-ki said that the HKSAR Government has set up a disaster relief fund and will closely monitor the relevant situation and contact different disaster relief agencies as soon as possible to provide appropriate assistance to the affected compatriots and help the affected areas tide over the difficulties. He mentioned that it is winter, the weather in Gansu is cold, and the disaster relief operation cannot be delayed. Once an application is received from a relief agency, the HKSAR Government will hold a meeting with the Advisory Committee of the Disaster Relief Fund to process it as soon as possible.

Chan Kwok-ki said that the Immigration Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government has not yet received requests for assistance from Hong Kong residents in Gansu, but will closely monitor the situation and provide all feasible assistance as soon as possible if any Hong Kong residents need support. (ENDS)