Beijing, December 12 (ZXS) -- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive John Lee said in Beijing on December 18 that the seventh district council general election held a few days ago has implemented the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong", and the new district council will no longer be "pan-politicized", but will pay more attention to people's livelihood issues and serve the public in a realistic manner.

On December 12, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee, said in Beijing that the 18th District Council General Election held a few days ago had implemented the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong", and that the new District Council would no longer be "pan-politicized", but would pay more attention to people's livelihood issues and serve the public realistically. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

In the afternoon of the same day, President Xi Jinping met with Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive John Lee, who came to Beijing to report on his work, and listened to his report on the current situation in Hong Kong and the work of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Mr Lee made the above remarks at a press conference held at the Beijing Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in the evening.

Mr Lee said that the new term of District Councils is a high-quality District Council, and the HKSAR Government has started to organise training courses for the new term of District Council members to help them provide effective services to the public as soon as they take office on 2024 January 1. The HKSAR Government has improved the system for monitoring the performance of duties by district councillors to ensure that they do their jobs well and do not tolerate laziness or neglect in their administration. The new term of DC Council members will have a closer relationship with the local residents, better reflect the aspirations of the public and provide them with more effective services.

On December 12, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee, said in Beijing that the 18th District Council General Election held a few days ago had implemented the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong", and that the new District Council would no longer be "pan-politicized", but would pay more attention to people's livelihood issues and serve the public realistically. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

At the press conference on the same day, Li Jiachao also introduced that he reported to President Xi Jinping on the overall economic, political and social situation of Hong Kong in the past year. He said that in the past year, Hong Kong's economic activities have returned to normal, the society has generally stabilized, and the Legislative Council has resumed its rational operation. The 7th District Council Election was a complete success, and the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" was implemented in district governance.

Mr Lee said that the HKSAR Government would give full play to Hong Kong's unique advantages of "being backed by the motherland and connected to the world", not only to make good use of the country's opportunities, but also to ensure Hong Kong's status as an international city under the "one country, two systems" arrangement.

He said that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has formulated a new "industry-oriented" policy to promote development, combining a promising government with an efficient market, taking "industry-driven" as the main axis of planning, promoting the Northern Metropolis as a new engine for Hong Kong's development, and deeply aligning with the overall deployment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially the coordinated development of the two parks in Shenzhen under the "Development Plan for the Shenzhen Park of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Co-operation Zone in the Loop". In terms of leveraging its advantages of being connected to the world, the HKSAR Government will make good use of Hong Kong's advantages of high degree of internationalisation and market-oriented to promote and explore international cooperation, including emerging markets and regional co-operation, so as to attract capital and talent.

On December 12, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, John Lee, said in Beijing that the 18th District Council General Election held a few days ago had implemented the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong", and that the new District Council would no longer be "pan-politicized", but would pay more attention to people's livelihood issues and serve the public realistically. Photo by China News Service reporter Tomita

Mr Lee said that the HKSAR Government will establish a safe and stable social environment, make every effort to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood, and will complete the local legislation of Article 2024 of the Basic Law within <> to implement the constitutional responsibilities of the HKSAR Government, and integrate the relevant laws with the Hong Kong National Security Law to become a legal system that effectively safeguards national security. (ENDS)