• Malú speaks, for the first time, about her breakup with Albert Rivera: "It's nobody's fault, it's not bad or good, it just happens"
  • Ella Malú: the reason for her breakup with Albert Rivera, her motherhood and her plans in music

On December 8th, Malú released her new album A todo sí. A production of 14 songs, in which he recalls his best hits with some of his great friends. For example, Ahora tú, with Luis Fonsi, and Aprendiz, with Alejandro Sanz. According to the critics, Malú moves, she sings with a heartbreaking emotion. Yet, when it comes to his personal life, he speaks with a lukewarmness that is striking. He never makes controversial statements, never deviates from his friendly tone and every time he is asked about his breakup with Albert Rivera, he answers in the most straightforward way possible.

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"I am not and will not be the first or the last person to break up. Sometimes, you believe in something and fight for it with all your might. But, sometimes, it doesn't happen. And it's nobody's fault, it's not bad or good, it just happens. So you have to try to understand it and assume it in the best possible way," she told Elle, in August 2023.And this December, it was Rivera who decided to tell, in a surprisingly open way, how he met the interpreter and what relationship he has with her today.

This Monday, the former leader of Ciudadanos participated in the program 100% único and answered all kinds of personal questions. Among them, how he entered Malú's life, with whom he had his daughter Lucía in 2020 and separated in 2023. "It seems like a cliché, but I met her in Barcelona. In 2015 or 2016. I was introduced to it at the end of the show. We started a friendship at that time and kept it going, but we didn't start a relationship, because we each had a partner. But time passed, then I became single, she was also single and we started talking, seeing each other," he said.

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Subsequently, the lawyer spoke briefly about their time together and assured that, although he is no longer in love with Paco de Lucía's niece, he will always have a special bond with her. "The truth is that it has been a wonderful relationship, which has lasted almost five years. And we continue to be united by our daughter, who is one of the loves of my life. I believe that in life everything is stages and you have to get the good out of each one of them," she said with deep respect for her ex. What's more, Rivera mentioned that he will always consider her part of his inner circle. "Your daughters' mothers are always family," she said.

On the other hand, the Barcelona native also referred to the state of his heart. "I'm meeting a girl. As I have already told you, I believe that life is stages and in this one I go calmly. Step by step. But yes, I'm meeting someone," she explained with astonishing warmth. And, according to the former politician, this Monday he has shown his most honest side. "This has been my most candid interview. After so many years of not wanting to be on a set, it's a pleasure to return to be interviewed by a team made up of people with ASD, without a filter and with a big heart," he said on Instagram.

  • Albert Rivera
  • Malú