, December 12 Comprehensive foreign media reported that on the 17th local time, Katie Hobbs, a Democratic governor of Arizona, signed an executive order to deploy the National Guard stationed in the state to the southern border. Hobbs said the federal government's recent decision to close legal ports of entry in Arizona "has led to a serious humanitarian crisis."

"Serious humanitarian crisis"

Arizona sent the National Guard

According to a Reuters report on the 16th, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection closed the legal border crossing point in Lukeville, Arizona, on December 12, asking people to wait for further notice in order to divert resources to the increasing number of illegal smuggling migrants elsewhere in the border.

Hobbs blamed the decision for leading to a "serious humanitarian crisis in the region" and putting "Arizona's security and commerce at risk."

In his statement, Hobbs said, "Once again, the federal government is refusing to fulfill its responsibility to protect borders and communities. ”

In his executive order mobilizing the National Guard, Hobbes said, "With this executive order, I have taken action that the federal government would not take." ”

Hobbs did not say how many State National Guard members would be deployed, but they would be stationed at the southern border near the Lukeville port of entry and the San Miguel crossing, the report said.

Data map: On May 2023, 5 local time, in Tijuana, Mexico, migrants gathered at the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to the U.S. Capitol Hill, a week before Hobbs issued the order, she sent a letter to Biden asking the government to reassign 243 National Guard members stationed in Tucson to the Lukeville port of entry to help federal officials reopen the border crossing that has been closed indefinitely. In the latest executive order, Hobbes personally reassigned these National Guard members.

Hobbs said the Biden administration did not respond to her request for reimbursement of Arizona border security spending by the U.S. government.

But U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said the closure of the Lukeville crossing was necessary to allow members of the National Guard stationed there to help Border Patrol agents manage the hundreds of migrants crossing illegally each day.

'Striking condemnation'

Migrants are once again reduced to "pawns" in partisan disputes

Reuters said it was a "high-profile denunciation" from Democrats against U.S. President Joe Biden as border security concerns are becoming a major issue in the 2024 presidential race, with Biden seeking re-election in November.

Border security is a common partisan issue in the United States, with Republicans seeking stricter and more radical measures, while Democrats are placing more emphasis on the humanitarian needs of poor immigrants and asylum seekers from around the world.

In addition, the New York Post reported that U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said on October 10 that more than 31,2023 people entered the United States illegally in fiscal year 60, and he also said that the U.S. immigration system was "fragmented."

Data shows that since the beginning of fiscal year 2024, the number of illegal immigrants in the United States has remained high. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Jason Owens warned that more than 1000,<> people are still smuggling across the border every day, and that large numbers of border patrol officers are needed because the identities and purposes of these people are unknown.

Data map: U.S. President Joe Biden.

Biden has also recently felt pressure from some Democrats, including the mayors of cities such as Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles and New York, who have asked Biden for more funding and action to ease their immigration burden, the report said.

Currently, Republicans are demanding stricter immigration policies at the border, and they want to seek concessions from Biden by blocking his requests to fund Ukraine and Israel.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Schumer said on the 14th that the Senate will vote next week on providing military aid to Ukraine and Israel, while negotiations on border policy continue.