In an interview with Dagens Nyheter, Karin Pettersson, section manager for maternity care, says that "we have not had any serious deviations that we have reported to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate".

On the other hand, an evaluation of the hospital's home births carried out by an external expert shows that a mistake that could have had serious consequences was made by a midwife during a home birth. SVT's investigation shows that the incident was never reported.

Expert: "It's ignorance"

This is a woman who suffered a bleeding before giving birth and was then given two ampoules of oxytocin, which could lead to a storm of contractions. This means that the contractions become so long and frequent that the oxygen supply to the fetus is reduced. In the worst case, it can lead to oxygen deprivation.

"You just can't do that, it's a lack of knowledge when you've done it. It should be reviewed to prevent similar things from happening again," says Lennart Nordström, professor of obstetrics and gynaecology, who conducted the evaluation.

Therefore, no notification was made

In the present case, the mishandling did not have any serious consequences, and Karin Pettersson therefore does not believe that any report needed to be made.

"Things happen that don't end in a serious outcome, and in that case, if we feel unsure, we usually discuss it with our chief medical officer, but I didn't think there was any reason to do that here," she says.

At the same time, Mia Ahlberg, Acting Director, says. Head of Operations at the Pregnancy and Childbirth Unit, that the incident may have been an incorrect registration. However, it is not clear.

"I feel completely safe with this organization. These midwives work in the maternity ward, so they work within our routines and guidelines," she says.

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What does the research say about home births? The expert explains.