Elements of the Rapid Support Forces (French)

A Sudanese government committee has revealed that it is seeking a UN Security Council resolution to classify the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which has been fighting with the Sudanese army since mid-April, as a terrorist organization.

The National Commission for War Crimes and Rapid Support Violations stated that a legal memorandum was being prepared with the signature of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Sudan, who also serves as the head of the committee, which included violations committed by the RSF since the outbreak of fighting.

The committee said the memorandum was submitted to the chairman of the technical committee on the implementation of Security Council resolutions with the aim of obtaining a resolution to classify the rapid support as a terrorist organization with the UN Security Council.

In its statement, it pointed to the seizure of a number of shares owned by the names of businesses and companies affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces, and the shares were seized by the committee.

In August, the head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, issued a decision to form a committee to "investigate war crimes and inventory of violations and practices" of the Rapid Support Forces since mid-April, headed by Attorney General Khalifa Ahmed Khalifa.

It is noteworthy that the committee recorded communications under articles 186 to 191 of the Sudanese Criminal Code of 1991, amended in 2019, covering crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide in West Darfur state, and issued arrest warrants for commanders, employees of the Rapid Support and their collaborators.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies