"If the company is small, it is worth asking about preferences in advance. Having decided on the number of guests, then it is worth calculating the required amount of wine," the organization noted.

According to analysts, in terms of style and types, 10-15% of the total amount of wine at the event will be an aperitif.

"The rest is roughly equal between white and red. In the cold season, it is better to give more weight to red wine: one denomination is a light red without aging, the second is more complex. There is always something new to offer your guests. For example, the increasingly popular brut as a substitute for semi-sweet," they advised.

When buying the most popular drink of New Year's Eve - sparkling wine - experts recommended remembering that sparkling wines, like any other alcohol, should be bought only in stores.

"Any purchase from hand, through groups in mobile applications and messengers is a big risk. On the labels and back labels of real sparkling wine there should be no phrases: it is not wine, it is a low-alcohol drink, it is a grape-containing drink, it is made from apple (fruit) raw materials. There should be no flavors and dyes in the composition," the experts emphasized.

Roskachestvo warned that there are manufacturers on the market who are trying to pass off carbonated, flavored "fizz" as champagne, but by law they must indicate the composition of the drink.

"The foil on the neck and the muzelet wire on the bottle do not make alcoholic soda champagne," they concluded.

In turn, psychiatrist-narcologist, chief physician of the Neuro-Psi clinic, Vladimir Katorgin, in an interview with RT, also noted that in no case should you buy alcohol from your hands.

"You're buying a pig in a poke, and there's a very high chance that you're going to get poisoned by some methyl alcohol. Therefore, try to buy in trusted stores, literally examining and asking about each bottle," he advised.

At the same time, the doctor urged Russians to be careful with the use of alcohol during the holidays.

"Do not overdo it with dosages and do not put yourself into a state of binge drinking for several days, because then the consequences can be very sad... Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, if necessary, take drugs that prevent its absorption. Drink enough fluids, try to walk more, be in the fresh air," the RT interlocutor concluded.

Earlier it was reported that in 2024 the standard regarding horseradish, moonshine and sbitnya will come into force.