In total, Swedish climate emissions decreased by five percent in 2022, when emissions in connection with the Nord Stream leak are excluded. Above all, emissions from road transport are reduced.

"This is a record reduction in that sector," says Anna-Karin Nyström, head of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Objectives Unit.

Problems for the forest

But at the same time as greenhouse gas emissions are falling, according to the report, the forest's ability to bind the carbon dioxide emitted is also decreasing. In total, net uptake of carbon dioxide has decreased by 20 percent since 1990.

Difficult for the Christmas tree

The Diocese of Karlstad is one of the forest owners who have felt the change.

"It's mainly the long-term drought we've had problems with," says Tina Westlund, environmental leader at the Diocese of Karlstad.

The question now is which trees to invest in in the long term, and which ones will find it more difficult to keep their place in the Swedish forest.

"For example, spruce does not thrive particularly well in the drought that will become more common in the future," says Tina Westlund.

See more in the clip above.