• Dutch version of new book on British royal family withdrawn for 'mistakenly' revealing 'royal racist' identity
  • New revelations: Harry slaps his family in the face with 'a spokesman's' book

Since the origins of cinema, Hollywood royalty has always wanted to connect with the aristocracy of European blood. Gloria Swanson married the French aristocrat James Henry Le Bailly, Marquis de la Coudraye, who after divorcing the protagonist of Twilight of the Gods married another luminary, Constance Bennett. Silent film diva Pola Negri spent vicarage with Count Eugeniusz Dambski and Prince Serge Mdivani.

Also worth mentioning are Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, Dukes of Windsor, and King Alfonso XIII, great-grandfather of Felipe VI (55) who had a great time at Pickford, the mansion of Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks where the best parties were held in the midst of the effervescence of the Golden Age.

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A contract with Dior: who is behind the multimillion-dollar deal between Meghan Markle and the French luxury brand

  • Written by: LUIS FERNANDO ROMO

A contract with Dior: who is behind the multimillion-dollar deal between Meghan Markle and the French luxury brand


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle embroiled in paparazzi 'car chase' that could prove "catastrophic"

  • Written by: BANG

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle embroiled in paparazzi 'car chase' that could prove "catastrophic"

These members of the British and Spanish royal houses paved a path on which nine decades later Harry (39) and Meghan Markle (42), Duke and Duchess of Sussex, began to spend their soles. As is tradition, The Hollywood Reporter, the bible of entertainment together with Variety, has made public the list of the winners and losers of 2023 which, on the negative side, is headed by the youngest son of King Charles III of England and his wife. The royal couple have positioned themselves at the top of the podium, according to the aforementioned media, for their "weeping Netflix documentary, their weeping biography and an inert podcast".

In that documentary that irritated the monarchical institution, the couple plays the victim, accuses the country of a problem of structural racism, the duke denounces that he did the impossible to protect his wife by remembering what happened to Lady Di and accuses the crown of manipulating the press, among other issues

Since arriving in Dreamland, Harry and Meghan's lives have been microscopically analyzed. Fleeing because they felt cornered by the tabloid press of their country, they settled in California so that other types of lights could rest on them. As The Hollywood Reporter puts it, "they had abandoned a life of ceremonial public service to cash in on their celebrity status in America." Little by little, the honey has turned into gall. To be on the losing side have influenced several decisions.

For example, Bill Simmons, Spotify's head of innovation and monetization, called the couple "scammers" because after signing a lucrative $2020 million to $20 million deal in 25 for their interview podcast Archetypes and other products, everything went down the drain. In the end, they only produced one season and one Christmas special. And the agreement was terminated as lazy and anodyne.

On the other hand, the Archwell Foundation is in the spotlight because in the first year of its foundation between 2020-2021 it received 12.9 million dollars, while in the second balance sheet donations were reduced to almost 2 million dollars, according to the income tax return filed. This is an abysmal fall but some experts say that they should be interpreted with caution, since in this type of foundation the first year is always the strongest. We have to see how they are going to distribute the money they have in reserve.

In an attempt to ensure that the Sussex brand does not lose its share of the stock market, a close friend of the former Suits actress, Omid Scobie, lashes out in his book Endgameagainst the Windsors for Kate's alleged lack of solidarity towards Meghan, the irreparable relationship between Harry and William (41) and, above all, the alleged racists who made comments about the color of little Archie's skin are made in a veiled way. The Sussexes' public enemy No. 1, journalist Piers Morgan (58) unequivocally revealed their names: Charles III (75) and Kate Middleton (41).

In that Californian wandering, the Sussexes have been ridiculed and parodied in two of the most popular animated series, South Park and Family Guy. Next on the list of losers are Elon Musk (52) and Marvel movies. Among the winners are Taylor Swift (34) and Fran Drescher (66), president of the Screen Actors Guild of America.

  • Prince Harry
  • Meghan Markle