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"Vladimir Vladimirovitch, hello! I am a student at Saint Petersburg State University. I would like to ask if it is true that you have a lot of doppelgangers. And how do you assess the dangers of artificial intelligence for our lives? Thank you."

The double Wladimir – and this time he admits it! For some time now, there has been speculation that Russian ruler Vladimir Putin would use doppelgangers in public appearances. During a four-hour propaganda program on Russian television, the leadership deliberately took up the topic.

Vladimir Putin, ruler of Russia
"I see that you imitate me and speak with my voice. I thought about it, but decided that only one person should be and speak like me – and that's me. There was once someone who always made jokes like that. But to answer your question... By the way, this is my first doppelganger."

Year after year, Russia's ruler holds a propaganda show on Russian television. In 2022, it was cancelled due to the war of aggression against Ukraine. Now the so-called "citizens' consultation hour", where journalists also ask questions, has taken place again. Putin wants to be confirmed as president in March 2024 and therefore presents himself as a caretaker and caring father of the country.

Vladimir Putin, Russia's
ruler"The most important indicator is economic growth. By the end of the year, gross domestic product will grow by 3.5%. This means that we have made up for last year's decline, when we had 2.1%. So if we're at 3.5%, we've taken a step forward."

However, this is also due to the fact that the arms industry is booming due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Putin once again made it clear at the "citizens' consultation" that Russia intends to continue fighting for a long time to come.

Vladimir Putin, ruler of Russia
"There will be peace if we achieve our goals. Our goals have not changed. Let me remind you: the denazification of Ukraine, the demilitarization, the neutral status. As for the normalization of relations (with the West) – it does not depend on us. It wasn't us who spoiled those relationships. They were. They have always tried to push us back and neglected our interests. «

Four hours and 67 questions later, the propaganda show is over. What remains is the image of a ruler who – contrary to what many in the West had hoped for – continues to sit firmly in the saddle.