Arthur De Laborde // Credits: Ludovic MARIN / AFP 07:13, December 13, 2023

After the vote on the motion to reject the immigration bill, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, was confirmed in his post by Emmanuel Macron. Despite the confidence displayed by the President of the Republic, the first cop of France remains weakened by this parliamentary slap in the face. However, he has not given up on his political ambitions.

How to bounce back from such a failure. After the vote on the motion to reject the immigration bill, brought before the National Assembly by Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior suffered a terrible parliamentary slap in the face. However, he was confirmed in his post by the President of the Republic. Despite this setback, the tenant of Beauvau did not give up his political ambitions. So one question is on everyone's lips: can he get back on track?

According to a person close to the minister, Gérald Darmanin has no choice but to remain in the government to continue to carry the text through to the end. However, in the entourage of the Minister of the Interior, some are pleading for him to slam the door. "The political sequence would have been very strong," a loyal supporter of the northern native told Europe 1. In the end, Gérald Darmanin decided to stay in his post and he is showing his determination and does not intend to be forgotten.

>> ALSO READ – Immigration law: "End of the road", "Darmanin resigns", reactions after the vote on the motion of rejection

"He would like the Quai d'Orsay"

In the corridors of power, Emmanuel Macron points to him as the main culprit for the failure. Despite this, the president did not accept the resignation presented by the Minister of the Interior, arguing that a new crisis should not be added to the current security context. A resignation that should be put into perspective for those close to the executive. If Gérald Darmanin had really wanted to leave the government, the head of state would not have been able to hold him back. "Basically, he wasn't ready to leave the government," said a source close to Beauvau, who sees him changing portfolios in the near future. "He would like the Quai d'Orsay," he said.