, December 12 According to Taiwan's "China Times News Network", when some Taiwanese people visited the Shilin Night Market recently, they found that the traditional mainland snack "plum blossom cake" was set up to sell points, which caused heated discussions on the Internet. Taiwanese media reporters hit the scene directly and found that there was an endless stream of people buying plum blossom cakes, and some people who came to buy them called "what a pity".

Nanjing snack plum blossom cake. Image source: Photo by Taiwan's "China Times News Network" You Dinggang

According to the report, the production process of plum blossom cake is about 15 minutes until the surface is browned and the rice balls are soft and glutinous. Boss Lian, the stall owner, said, "In the Nanjing tradition, the lower puff pastry and the small rice balls on the top are the main ingredients, and each family has its own characteristics, and my specialty is to add some ingredients with eight treasure porridge."

The plum blossom cake stall was surrounded by people. Image source: Photo by Taiwan's "China Times News Network" You Dinggang

Some people at the scene said after eating, "The skin is very crispy, and the rice balls are very Q (soft and glutinous, elastic)!" There are also people who often see the film in the community and come to eat, and one citizen revealed to reporters that "the taste is softer than I imagined". More people gave high scores and shouted "delicious!" ”

Mr. Lian, a 29-year-old stall owner, used to run snack businesses in various parts of the mainland before learning Xi plum blossom cake making skills with his wife's friend. This year, because my father was diagnosed with throat cancer, I decided to return to Taiwan to take care of my father. Even the boss felt, "Taiwan's catering market is generally low-pay, decided to start his own business, opened for half a month did not expect to become popular, the future plans to open to join, so that more people can eat mainland snacks, thank you for liking."

Plum blossom cake is loved by young people in Taiwan. Image source: Photo by Taiwan's "China Times News Network" You Dinggang

Taiwan media reporters found that at more than 8 o'clock in the evening on weekends, there was an endless stream of people buying plum blossom cakes, queuing up and calling numbers, even if the number plates had already been taken out, the crowds still surrounded the stalls.

In this regard, many Taiwanese netizens left a message, saying, "It's right to learn from experience, the traditional night market snacks are really tired of eating, and there are business opportunities for fresh snacks." "A few days ago, I thought that the chicken steak in the Pai Shilin Night Market turned out to be a row of plum blossom cakes, exaggerating the crowd" "I'm curious, is it delicious?" There are quite a lot of online videos! ”