For several days, the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza have continued mass arrests of hundreds of civilians (social media)

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), Al Mezan and Al-Haq called for an end to the "enforced disappearance" of hundreds of detainees from the Gaza Strip inside Israeli prisons.

The three human rights organizations called for "an end to the state of enforced disappearance imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities, to which hundreds of Palestinian detainees from the Gaza Strip, including dozens of women, are subjected."

On Sunday, the Prisoners' Affairs Commission (governmental) and the Palestinian Prisoners' Club (non-governmental) announced that "the occupation is holding in its prisons 142 female prisoners from Gaza, including infant girls."

The three institutions called on "the concerned authorities to intervene to reveal the fate and names of the detainees, and to stop the ongoing acts of abuse and torture during arbitrary arrests in the areas of land incursion in the Gaza Strip ... and enable legal teams to meet with them, and stop all retaliatory torture and abuse measures against them."

According to information and testimonies, the organizations say that "for several days, the Israeli occupation forces have continued mass arrests of hundreds of civilian residents, especially residents of northern Gaza and Gaza City, whether from their homes or from inside the shelters in UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees)."

These forces force detainees "to undress, queue, sit in the streets semi-naked in a humiliating position, and subject them to torture and ill-treatment, before taking them crammed on top of each other in trucks to unknown locations", she said.

The institutions condemned "the attempts of the occupation to mislead that they are members of the resistance, which poses a threat to their lives, in addition to transferring and dealing with them in a humiliating and degrading manner."

It also called on the ICC prosecutor "to move seriously to complete the investigation, issue arrest warrants and look into the crimes received, given that they are within the jurisdiction of the court."

On Monday, the Israeli army stormed a number of schools in the Fallujah area in the northern Gaza Strip, arresting men and expelling women and children, amid panic and fear.

Since Oct. 7, the Israeli army has been waging a devastating war on Gaza, leaving more than 18,50 dead and nearly <>,<> wounded, mostly children and women, massive destruction of infrastructure and an "unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe," according to official Palestinian sources.

Source : Anadolu Agency