Hangzhou, December 12 (ZXS) -- On December 10, the Sixth China-Arab States Radio and Television Cooperation Forum was held in Hangzhou. Li Shulei, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and head of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the opening ceremony via video link and delivered a speech.

On December 12, the 10th China-Arab Countries Radio and Television Cooperation Forum opened in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Photo by China News Service reporter Qian Chenfei

The guests at the meeting believed that the first China-Arab States Summit was held at the end of last year, the two sides jointly drew up a blueprint for the future development of China-Arab relations, and President Xi Jinping announced the "eight common actions" of China-Arab practical cooperation, marking a new era of China-Arab relations. The Chinese and Arab media should take more forceful actions to carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, consolidate the foundation of cooperation and mutual trust, practice China-Arab friendship, promote the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, and make greater contributions to the common development of the two sides and the promotion of international and regional peace and stability.

The guests at the meeting said that they will jointly promote the implementation of the "Dialogue among Civilizations and Common Actions", jointly implement the cooperation project of 50 audio-visual programs, deepen pragmatic cooperation in the fields of policy communication, content cooperation, technological innovation, and personnel training, and promote the innovation and development of the radio and television industry.

With the theme of "Inheriting China-Arab Friendship and Sharing Audiovisual Development", the forum was co-sponsored by the State Administration of Radio and Television of China, the People's Government of Zhejiang Province, the Secretariat of the League of Arab States, and the Arab States Broadcasting Union. More than 15 representatives from radio and television authorities, media organizations, audio-visual enterprises from China and 300 Arab countries, as well as the League of Arab States and the Arab States Broadcasting Union attended the meeting. During the forum, the participants jointly adopted the Declaration of the <>th China-Arab Radio and Television Cooperation Forum. (ENDS)