France: the immigration bill in the National Assembly, the first test from the outset for the government

This Monday, December 11 in the afternoon, the National Assembly begins the debates on the government's immigration bill in public session. The talks are expected to last until December 22. Unless MEPs decide, as early as this afternoon, to reject the entire text outright, before it is examined. This is mathematically possible and it will not be the only obstacle for the French government.

Gérald Darmanin, the French Minister of the Interior in the National Assembly (illustration). His immigration bill will undergo a dangerous test on Monday afternoon, December 11. AFP - MIGUEL MEDINA

By: Political Service


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Even if Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, has shown his serenity in recent days, his draft immigration law will undergo a dangerous test this afternoon: a motion of prior rejection defended by the ecologists. If a majority of the Members present in the Chamber vote for it, there will be no debate in the Assembly. In fact, the National Rally (RN) and part of the LR would have to join their voices to those of the left. "A coalition between the carp and the rabbit", as the Minister of the Interior repeats.


If the motion passes, the tougher version of the Senate would prevail. But the government may prefer to withdraw its bill. The suspense is likely to last until the vote. The LRs seem to be divided on the strategy to be adopted. When the RN, led by Marine Le Pen, casts doubt on its intentions.

A headache for the government. If the motion is rejected, discussions can begin, but Gérald Darmanin is still not guaranteed a majority. Will the executive have to resort to 49.3? A veritable obstacle course begins for the Minister of the Interior.

Read alsoFrance: the moment of truth for the immigration bill in the Assembly

The immigration law seen from Côte d'Ivoire

The Immigration Bill arrives in the Chamber. In Côte d'Ivoire, what do we think of this text, which aims to "control immigration and improve integration?" Our correspondent in Abidjan went to meet young Ivorians who studied in France. Everyone says they are appalled by this very controversial bill.


"It's an unjust law," he told Marine Jeannin. It makes living conditions tougher for immigrants, even though it is supposed to be the country of human rights. I think it's a shame, a real shame that it's come to this." Like Martial, former students of French schools are appalled by the immigration bill, which would drastically limit access to social benefits.

Aurore is a graduate of a French business and marketing school: "I was a student in Paris. I worked, I contributed, I was deducted from my salary... And that's unfair." Another very controversial point is the questioning of the right of the soil and, more generally, the tightening of access to nationality. An unfair measure, according to Franco-Ivorian lawyer Laurène Pinaud, but also counterproductive: "There are also many foreign students that we need in France... the sustainability of health, education, etc. »

Former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe proposed on Sunday to set "quotas" for regularisation of undocumented workers working in jobs in short supply, a clause to which the right and the far right are fiercely opposed.

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