Martin Lange, edited by Philippe Folgado // Photo credit: LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP 18:25 p.m., December 10, 2023, modified at 18:26 p.m., December 10, 2023

Late Friday morning, a Malaysian tourist, who had arrived in the capital 24 hours earlier, left the Ritz hotel to go shopping. When she returned to her room, she was stunned and could not find her diamond ring worth 750,000 euros. She thinks it's a robbery, but the reality is quite different.

"Heavens, my jewels," cried the Castafiore at every turn in Tintin when she no longer knew where her little briefcase filled with diamonds, rubies and emeralds was. That's kind of what happened this weekend at the Ritz Hotel in Paris. Late Friday morning, a Malaysian tourist leaves the Parisian palace to go shopping. When he returned, to his amazement, his diamond ring, worth 750,000 euros, disappeared.

The five-star hotel has been thoroughly inspected

She rushes to the police station, thinking it was a robbery, to file a complaint. An investigation was entrusted to the brigade for the suppression of banditry. An affair that embarrasses the Ritz, an establishment very attached to its reputation. The entire security department is looking for this ring. The five-star hotel went through a fine-tooth comb and the ring finally reappeared on Saturday morning.

>> ALSO READ – The true story of the Ritz, César's Parisian palace

Where was she? In a vacuum cleaner bag. But then, how did it end up there? The customer allegedly left on a table when she left, the jewel slipped, she fell to the floor and was inadvertently sucked in during cleaning. This is the hypothesis of the hotel management, visibly relieved to avoid a theft case. More fear than harm for the client, who was very happy to have her ring back.