Congo-Brazzaville: human rights abuses have exploded in 2023, warns the NGO CAD

In Congo-Brazzaville, the NGO Centre for Action for Development (CAD) published a report on Friday (8 December) entitled "When the denial of human rights is in power". In the 132-page document released two days before the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Sunday 10 December, the NGO denounces a "worrying" increase in human rights violations.

The police's methods of dealing with protesters and others are said to be one of the problems, according to the NGO. Police officers block access to protesters in Brazzaville on March 19, 2021. [Illustrative image] © Alexis Huguet / AFP

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With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loïcia Martial

According to the NGO, human rights remain precarious in Congo and convictions for violations are only exceptionally punished, says the DAC, the Centre for Action for Development, in its report.


"This report is extremely worrying," said Trésor Nzila, Executive Director of the DAC. It shows the deterioration of the human rights situation in our country. In 2022, we documented 572 human rights violations. And, from January to November 2023, we documented 2,098 breaches.


Trésor Nzila points to other cases of violations documented by his organization, in addition to torture: "Extrajudicial executions, forced evictions, violations of individual and collective freedoms. We have also documented serious problems with access to health care, but also water and electricity.


Regarding the tragedy at the Ornano stadium on 20 November, where 32 young people lost their lives in a stampede while trying to be recruited into the army, the DAC called for the resignation of the interior and defence ministers, as well as "the establishment of a truly independent commission of inquiry".

The authorities have not yet reacted to the DAC report.

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