At the same time, as representatives of the digital service provider recalled, there is a guest network that allows other devices to connect to the Wi-Fi network in a secure mode. To connect it, you need to open the router settings and activate the function, experts explained.

"This means that guests have access to the internet over a separate Wi-Fi channel and cannot see other devices and data on the main home network, which protects the host's personal data and devices. In addition, the owners of some routers can limit the speed, manage traffic and set the time of access to the guest network through the settings, which minimizes risks and protects data and connection security," the experts explained.

As analysts added, the lack of a guest network feature can lead to data leakage and access to personal information by attackers.

"This is what information online criminals can obtain: passwords, logins, accounts, banking data, traffic and access to the Internet, device data," the company warned.

For greater security of the home network, experts recommend not only configuring the guest network, but also regularly updating the software of the router and gadgets that connect to the network.

Earlier, Sergey Lipov, CIO of EdgeCenter, spoke in an interview with RT about the most popular fraudulent schemes in recent months.