"If the skin of your hands and face is already prone to dryness, it is better to add lipid creams to your daily skincare routine, including mineral oils, paraffin, wax, petroleum jelly, silicones. They form a protective film on the surface of the skin and thus prevent excessive moisture loss," explained the SberHealth specialist.

In her opinion, it is also recommended to use products with components such as ceramides, squalane, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and glycerin for the face.

"These ingredients moisturize the skin and thus help it remain resistant to external influences. But it is better to abandon aggressive cleansers: they can additionally dry out the skin," the RT interlocutor warned.

According to her, such products cleanse the face "to the point of squeaking", they contain surfactants: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laurate, sodium cocoate. In addition, the dermatologist reminded that you still need to use sunscreen in winter.

"Especially if a person uses cosmetics with active ingredients such as acids, vitamin C, retinol and others. If you don't have such products in your care, you can focus on the value of the UV index: if it is more than three, sun protection is necessary. In this way, you will protect your skin from aggressive sun rays, because intense exposure to the sun accelerates the aging process and increases the risk of skin cancer," the doctor concluded.

Earlier, dermatologist, cosmetologist Irina Kotova told in an interview with RT how cold allergies manifest themselves, as well as how to recognize frostbite.