Russia's military invasion of Ukraine continues.

Russian and Ukrainian forces continue to fight in various parts of Ukraine, and many civilians are fleeing the country. We will update you on the situation in Ukraine on the 9th (Japan time), including the situation of the battle and the diplomacy of the countries concerned.

(There is a 7-hour time difference between Japan and Ukraine, and 6 hours with Moscow, Russia.)

table of contents

  • Russian military launches 19 cruise missiles, Ukrainian Air Force says

  • President Putin announces his candidacy for the presidential election to continue the invasion

table of contents

table of contents

  • Russian military launches 19 cruise missiles, Ukrainian Air Force says

  • President Putin announces his candidacy for the presidential election to continue the invasion

Russian military launches 19 cruise missiles, Ukrainian Air Force says

The Ukrainian Air Force announced on the 8th that Russian forces fired 19 cruise missiles from strategic bombers, 14 of which were shot down in the eastern Dnipropetrovsk and Kyiv regions.

Several missiles were aimed at infrastructure facilities in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Officials in the capital Kyiv posted on SNS that 'the enemy has resumed attacks with cruise missiles from strategic bombers after a 79-day hiatus,' and it seems that the Russian army is strengthening its attacks on infrastructure facilities with missiles as it enters a full-fledged winter.

In addition, the Ukrainian Air Force announced that Russian forces carried out an attack using anti-aircraft missiles in Kharkiv Oblast in eastern Ukraine.

According to the local governor, the attack injured two people and destroyed several apartment buildings and vehicles.

Under these circumstances, Peskov, a spokesman for the Russian President's Office, was asked by a reporter on the 2th, "The United States seems to want Russia to participate in peace negotiations on the terms of Ukraine next year, but is this realistic?"

On top of that, he criticized the United States, unilaterally claiming that it is sacrificing the lives of Ukrainians so that they can gain economic benefits from the fighting in Ukraine.

President Putin announces his candidacy for the presidential election to continue the invasion

Russian President Vladimir Putin attended a ceremony held at the Kremlin in the capital Moscow on the 8th to honor soldiers and others participating in the military invasion of Ukraine. After the ceremony, the participating soldiers ran up to President Putin and appealed, "You are our president, Russia needs you."

In response, President Putin replied, "Now is the time to make a decision," and announced his intention to run for the presidential election to be held on March 3 next year. This will be President Putin's fifth candidacy, and if elected, his new term will end in 17.

In addition to Crimea in southern Ukraine, the Putin administration has said it will press ahead with the presidential election in four eastern and southern provinces that it unilaterally declared annexed last year.

The announcement of his candidacy, which was broadcast on state television, emphasizes that he was directly asked by a soldier, and seems to be aimed at emphasizing that President Putin's presence is indispensable in Russia during wartime.

There are no strong opposition candidates, and Mr. Putin's election is assured.

President Putin seems to be poised to further consolidate his political base and continue his military invasion while appealing to the people for unity as the war for the survival of the country continues.

Putin's announcement of candidacy Muscovites

Regarding President Putin's announcement of his intention to run for the presidential election to be held in March next year, the citizens of the capital Moscow heard various voices.

Among them, a woman who said she was a student said, "I hope he wins."

A woman from the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine said, "I'm hoping that the war with Ukraine will end, and I think Putin will be in power for too long," but added, "Voting for someone else won't change anything. I am sure that President Putin will continue to remain," he said in a pessimistic manner.

On Putin's candidacy Kyiv citizens

In response to President Putin's announcement of his intention to run for president in the presidential election to be held in March next year, there were concerns in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv that the fighting would be prolonged, while others said that the fighting should continue until it is won.