During the week, the trial was held against the 17-year-old boy who showed up at Rawa Majid's father-in-law's residence with a gun in his hand in mid-September.

The incident occurred days after Rawa Majid's mother-in-law's home was shelled, just a few hundred meters away.

In interrogations, the family talks about the horror they experienced that night. Mom, dad and daughter were able to see the gunman in real time via their phones as they set up surveillance cameras around the house.

Alone upstairs

They describe how they did their best to stay hidden and be as quiet as possible. While the mother of the family alerted the police, the daughter was alone upstairs, worried that the parents downstairs would end up in the line of fire.

All three had sensed that something similar could happen. Among other things, considering that Rawa Majid's mother-in-law had been subjected to an act of violence just days earlier, and that information about their address had been leaked online.

In police interviews, the father-in-law says that he was afraid of being labeled as a "bad person" because he is the father of Rawa Majid's partner. A little over a month later, in another interrogation, he says that the family is still terrified and no longer dares to go out.

"Wasn't going to shoot"

The accused 17-year-old, who is from Skåne, was arrested by police shortly after the attack. A pistol with a silencer was found a few meters from the site of the arrest.

He is now charged with, among other things, attempted murder and aggravated weapons offenses. The prosecution has demanded four years of closed juvenile detention. According to the 17-year-old's lawyer, he states that he was in Stenhagen only to threaten and intimidate.

"He admits to aggravated weapons offenses and aggravated unlawful threats, but primarily denies attempted murder. He was absolutely not going to shoot, says Mikael Nilsson, lawyer.

A 19-year-old from Skåne is also charged with aiding and abetting attempted murder. He is said to have driven the 17-year-old from Skåne to Uppsala.

The verdict is expected to be handed down on December 20.

Watch the 17-year-old knock on the door in the video above.