For the fifth year in a row, the school restaurant Skogsgläntan at Skönsmon in Sundsvall is among the 30 finalists in the category "School Restaurant of the Year".

This year they took their best placement, a ninth place.

Three parts of the working model

Among other things, they have greatly reduced waste, i.e. the food that is thrown away. The model of the kitchen rests on three legs.

"Sustainability, collaboration and the fact that the students think it's fun and feel safe in the dining room," says kitchen manager Maria Sundberg.

It is the White Guide Junior that is behind the award.

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The three pupils, Viktor Kardell, Stella Boreham and Sigrid Dahlberg, are proud that the school gets good grades. Watch as Stella Boreham and Viktor Kardell try cheese-gratinated hasselback pumpkin for the first time. Photo: Anna Beijron/SVT

Several changes

The kitchen staff emphasize the good cooperation with the school management and the students as crucial.

The amount of red meat has been greatly reduced, in favor of vegetarian alternatives. But even here, there are of course divided opinions about the food, both among staff and students.

"Bean stews don't work so well, but they've learned to eat chickpeas," says Maria Sundberg.

"The other day we got potato balls with chickpeas and fake cows, like bacon but not meat," says student Viktor Kardell.

The tipping point for change

A remodeling of the kitchen a few years ago was the starting point. Now they run climate weeks and every other Friday the theme is "food from the world".

"It was natural for us to think about how we want to work in the future.

In the video, both kitchen staff and pupils talk about the work with sustainability and student influence over school lunches.