Gauthier Delomez 11:37 a.m., December 07, 2023

Less than a week after the Bir-Hakeim attack in Paris, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne said she was ready to do more to protect the French. But for Arthur, a listener of the programme "Pascal Praud et vous" every day from 11 a.m. to 13 p.m. on Europe 1, the members of the government "wake up after the battle". Listen to the excerpt again. You can react at

In an interview with Le Figaro, less than a week after the fatal knife attack near the Bir-Hakeim bridge in Paris, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne said that if necessary, the government would "go even further" by putting more resources to protect the French. But for Arthur, a listener of the Pascal Praud and you show, this declaration is belated in this context of insecurity. The members of the government "are completely waking up after the battle. It's nothing new, (insecurity) is plaguing neighbourhoods, the countryside, medium-sized towns," he said on Europe 1, referring to "a before and after Crépol" in reference to the death of young Thomas in mid-November during a party in this village in the Drôme.