Jean-Baptiste Marty / Photo credits: Xose Bouzas / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 16:10 p.m., December 07, 2023, modified at 16:12 p.m., December 07, 2023

According to information from Europe 1, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin will ask for the dissolution of the Lille identity association La Citadelle. "The implementation of a xenophobic ideology" and "incitement to hatred and violence" are accused of the organisation led by Aurélien Verhassel.

Gérald Darmanin continues his efforts to dissolve ultra-right associations. According to information from Europe 1, the Minister of the Interior intends to dissolve the Lille identity association "La Citadelle", a dissolution that would take place a few days after that of the Martel Division, an ultra-right group implicated in the punitive expedition carried out in Romans-sur-Isère after Thomas' death.

>> READ ALSO - Gérald Darmanin to 'propose' the dissolution of three ultra-right groups

Xenophobic posts on social media

According to Europe 1, a newsletter has been sent to Aurélien Verhassel, the president of the association La Citadelle, to inform him of this desire to dissolve. The Minister of the Interior accuses the association of recurrent xenophobic publications on social networks as well as incitement to hatred and violence.

Aurélien Verhassel and the members of his association are also suspected of having close links with small groups or individuals who defend an ideology calling for discrimination and violence. A bar of the same name, run by the president of the association, is at the heart of a controversy in Lille. A partial closure had been ordered last February by the prefect of the North, before finally being reopened by the courts.