CCTV News (News Network): Recently, the epidemic period of respiratory diseases in winter in many places across the country has been superimposed, and the demand for medical treatment for urban and rural residents, especially children, has increased significantly.

Since the beginning of winter, all localities have continued to increase the supply of medical services, improve the service process, and meet the medical needs of the masses to the greatest extent. Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and other areas with relatively concentrated medical resources are to implement daily monitoring of patient diagnosis and treatment data within their jurisdiction. Major hospitals have increased consultation rooms, infusion levels and patient rest areas, opened more examination windows, and shortened the time for medical imaging reports to improve the efficiency of medical treatment. Major hospitals have coordinated the mobilization of qualified medical staff from all hospitals to support the front line of pediatrics, and extended outpatient hours and opened night outpatient clinics as needed.

In order to alleviate the problems of difficulty in registration and slow treatment in large hospitals in some areas, all localities have given full play to the role of primary medical and health institutions, and promptly released a list of primary medical and health institutions and service content that can provide pediatric services in their jurisdictions, so as to facilitate the masses to seek medical treatment in an orderly manner nearby. The Dahongmen Community Health Service Center in Fengtai District, Beijing, implements rapid appointment triage, and children with symptoms such as fever and cough can first issue a laboratory test form, and then seek medical treatment after the results are issued.

In addition to further expanding medical capacity, all localities have given full play to the role of close urban medical alliances, counterpart support and referral mechanisms, smoothed referral channels, and guided children with mild symptoms to give priority to primary medical and health institutions.

Chongqing, Fujian, Jiangxi and other places have joined forces with health, education, civil affairs and other departments to increase the prevention and control of respiratory diseases in key groups and places such as elderly care institutions and schools.