United Kingdom: Boris Johnson questioned on his management of the Covid pandemic

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being questioned by the public inquiry into the management of the pandemic. The United Kingdom had been particularly hard hit by Covid-19 mortality. On Wednesday and Thursday, BoJo has to explain his decisions

London: Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is being heard on 6 December by the Public Inquiry Commission into the management of the pandemic. The United Kingdom had been particularly hard hit by Covid-19 mortality. via REUTERS - UK COVID-19 INQUIRY

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Boris Johnson began his hearing with an apology... or almost. "I am sorry for the pain and suffering experienced during the pandemic." In his opening statement, Boris Johnson avoided a personal apology, reports our correspondent in London, Emeline Vin. Ahead of his hearing, the former prime minister also expressed "apologies for the mistakes we inevitably made".

What specific mistakes do you apologize for? Ask the lawyer in charge of the hearing. Boris Johnson hesitates. "Faced with such an unprecedented situation, you're bound to make mistakes." Which ones are you talking about? Procrastination again. The former head of government admits to failures in the executive's communication.

Read alsoUnited Kingdom: the opening of a public inquiry points to the vagueness in the management of the Covid crisis

The lawyer recalls: the debates were held on WhatsApp. Who made the decisions, each minister in his own corner or did you have the last word? -Both. – So, do you still take responsibility for every decision? –Obviously.

The presiding judge had to interrupt the questioning twice, in part because a protester refused to sit down and held up a sign addressed to Boris Johnson: "The dead cannot hear your apology". Covid has killed more than 232,000 people in the UK.

Mr Johnson himself had almost died of Covid in April 2020. On March 23, 2020, a first lockdown was imposed on the British, followed by two others. Illegal parties in Downing Street during this period caused a scandal, and contributed to the downfall of Boris Johnson, who was forced to resign in July 2022.

In Europe, the pandemic had started first in the United Kingdom before and caused great strain in an already fragile health system.

(and with agencies)

Read alsoThe United Kingdom comes to the rescue of its health system

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