Both Aftonbladet and SVT were among those who interviewed students and talked about parasites in a fish dish in the dining room at NTI-gymnasiet Odenplan in Stockholm, as well as generally poor quality of other food as well.

"A thorough investigation has been carried out into this and the delivery of salmon that was served has been analysed in detail. There are no traces of parasites in it, which it would have done if the salmon we served had parasites in it, says Katherine Berg, principal of NTI Gymnasiet, in a press release from the AcadeMedia Group.

Criticism of the media

According to AcadeMedia, the food was also made from farmed Norwegian salmon, which was handled in a way that makes parasites impossible.

"We took it very seriously. Now we know that it was a false alarm, it will be interesting to see how many media choose to report it, says Paula Hammerskog, Director of Communications at AcadeMedia.

However, the principal confirmed in connection with SVT's earlier reporting on parasites in the food, that this had been found. Something that has now turned out to be some blood from the fish.