The working-level consultations between the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito Party (Komeito) on the revision of the rules for the export of defense equipment confirmed that the export of "licensed production" equipment, which is manufactured domestically by introducing technology from foreign companies that are not permitted under the current rules, will be allowed to be exported to third countries, and it was decided to make a recommendation to the government by the end of this year. On the other hand, it was decided to continue discussions on the issue of limiting exports to countries with which we have a security cooperation to five categories, including "rescue" and "transportation," from next year onward.

A working-level meeting between the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito Party (Komeito) was held on June 6 regarding the review of export rules for defense equipment, and discussions were held on the export of "licensed production" equipment, which under the current rules only allow parts to the United States.

In addition to allowing exports of finished products to partner countries where foreign companies are located, they confirmed that exports from partner countries to third countries and Japan to third countries will be permitted.

However, it says that certain conditions will be imposed, such as excluding countries and regions where fighting is taking place.

They also agreed that parts such as fighter engine and wings would not be included in lethal weapons, but would be allowed to be exported.

The two parties agreed on these matters, and decided to make recommendations to the government by the end of this year.

On the other hand, regarding the limitation of exports to countries with which we have a cooperative relationship in terms of security, to five categories such as "rescue" and "transportation," it was decided to continue discussions from next year onward, saying that "further discussion is necessary."

Komeito Chairman Masacho Takagi "Joint development and export require careful consideration"

Regarding the revision of the rules for the export of defense equipment, Komeito Party Chairman Takagi said that if the export of jointly developed equipment to a third country is to be permitted, careful consideration is required to gain the understanding of the public.

In discussions between officials of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the New Komeito Party (Komeito) for the review of the "Three Principles on the Transfer of Defense Equipment and Equipment," which stipulates rules for the export of defense equipment, the government side expressed the view that it is possible to export equipment jointly developed with other countries to third countries, with a view to the next generation of fighter jets to be developed together with the United Kingdom and Italy.

At a press conference, Komeito Party Chairman Takagi said, "When it comes to major changes to the three principles so far, the most important thing is to gain the understanding of the people.

In addition, regarding the fact that officials from both parties would like to compile their opinions and submit them to the government by the end of this month, he said, "I would like the parties to confirm at the working-level consultations what kind of problems the government will face if they do not compile them by the end of this year, and then explain to the parties."