"The main route of transmission of mycoplasma pneumonia is through airborne droplets. At the same time, fairly close contact is needed for the transmission of infection, so most outbreaks of the disease are found in kindergartens or schools, where children and adults are in close contact with each other," explained the expert of the Gemotest laboratory.

Unlike influenza and SARS, mycoplasma pneumonia has a fairly long incubation period — it averages two weeks, but can stretch for a month, he added.

The doctor stated that in SARS, a cough with a small amount of phlegm can persist for months.

"In general, atypical pneumonia has a milder course with less pronounced symptoms. In addition, mycoplasma pneumonia can cause a rash on the skin. The clinical picture may be dominated by complaints of indigestion, aching muscle pain, headache and sleep disorders," the RT interlocutor emphasized.

With a timely visit to a doctor and identification of the pathogen, in most cases, mycoplasma pneumonia is successfully cured, the specialist said.

"Complications can develop in people with severe chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, viral hepatitis, obstructive bronchitis, as well as in the presence of an immunodeficiency state," Ivanov concluded.

Earlier, immunologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladislav Zhemchugov spoke in an interview with RT about the peculiarities of the course of mycoplasma infection.