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The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has accused the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of seeking to "control" the General Council of the Judiciary and has demanded a change of "model" in order to renew it. After assuring that the "ball" has been in the government for a year, he has defended a reform of the law and renewing the governing body of judges, something that "can be done simultaneously".

"Let's make the law and renew the Council simultaneously. Let's sign a pact, let's introduce society and let's process the law. This is what we intend to do," Feijóo said in an interview on Cadena COPE, which was picked up by Europa Press.

The president of the PP has affirmed Minister Félix Bolaños, who is now "the chief notary of the kingdom", "lied to them in a shameless way" and has pointed out that this was transferred to Pedro Sánchez himself, who "kept quiet". In addition, he has criticised the fact that the government now accuses the PP of "boycotting" the CGPJ, coinciding with the negotiation of amnesty with the pro-independence parties.

"Therefore, this set-up now of saying that the PP does not want to renew the CGPJ is false, absolutely false. What we obviously don't want is for the Council to fit like the Attorney General's Office, like the Constitutional Court, like the Council of State, that is, with political control of the institutions," he said, adding that Sánchez's "objective is not to renew the Council" but to "control the members of the Council, which is an absolutely different thing."

In his view, it is not a question of "dividing up the members of the Council" but of having an "independent" Judiciary, so that 12 of the Thursdays or magistrates are elected by the judges themselves. "It is a problem of model, it is a problem of making a change and a commitment to the institutional regeneration of our country," he added.

  • PP
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • General Council of the Judiciary
  • Pedro Sanchez