Sheikh Tamim said the Gulf summit is taking place at a time when the region and the world are witnessing great challenges (Al Jazeera)

Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani said the Gulf summit is taking place today "at a time when our region and the world are witnessing great challenges".

"Our Gulf states can play roles that contribute to solving these challenges and mitigating their impact," Sheikh Tamim said.

Today, Tuesday, the 44th summit of the leaders of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf kicks off in the capital, Doha.

I welcome my brothers, the leaders and representatives of the brotherly Gulf Cooperation Council countries in their second country, Qatar, today to participate in our 44th Gulf Summit, which is being held at a time when our region and the world are witnessing great challenges in which our Gulf countries can play roles that contribute to solving them and mitigating their effects.

— Tamim bin Hamad (@TamimBinHamad) December 5, 2023

The Gulf summit comes amid the return of Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip after the end of last Friday a 7-day humanitarian truce, coinciding with an escalating Gulf and Arab position demanding an end to the war on the Strip.

The summit was preceded by the GCC Ministerial Council meeting chaired by Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani in Doha last Sunday, where they discussed the files presented to the leaders' summit, especially the situation in the Palestinian territories and the unified Gulf position towards stopping the war immediately, as well as joint Gulf cooperation files.

Among the most important files on which GCC leaders will take decisions, and which concern the Gulf street, is the unified visa project, which allows holders of a GCC country visa or residents of one of the six countries to move freely between its countries, as well as the railway link between the GCC countries, which has taken executive steps during the current year.

Source : Al Jazeera