The Guardia Civil has reported that last week it arrested a drunk driver in Seville who had driven in the wrong direction from the province of Malaga on the A-92 motorway (Seville-Almeria) for more than 60 kilometres.

As reported this Tuesday by the armed institute in a note, the events began at around 05:15 hours on November 27, when a patrol of the Traffic Detachment of the Civil Guard of Osuna was alerted that a car was driving in the opposite direction on the highway.

From the Southwest Traffic Management Centre, based in Seville, the vehicle was located and monitored in real time by the cameras, with signage displayed on the light panels on the road to warn other drivers of the existing risk situation.

The agents stopped the vehicle at kilometre 70,000 of the A-92, which had been going in the opposite direction for more than 60 kilometres, from kilometre 132 of the A-92, in the province of Malaga, and carried out the breathalyzer test on the driver, which gave rates above the established criminal limit: 0.86 mg/l and 0.83 mg/l.

The driver of the vehicle, who resisted the agents, is being investigated for the commission of a crime against Road Safety for driving in the opposite direction, for exceeding the legally established rates, as well as for disobedience and resistance to the agents of the authority, with the possibility of imposing prison sentences of six months to two years and deprivation of the right to drive motor vehicles and mopeds for more than one time and up to six years.

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