On the morning of November 11, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on in-depth promotion of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in Shanghai and delivered an important speech.

This is the second symposium presided over by General Secretary Xi Jinping around this major strategy after he presided over a symposium on solidly promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in Hefei on August 2020, 8, emphasizing the need to "promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and continuously achieve results".

Five years ago, when General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the first China International Import Expo held in Shanghai, he solemnly announced that he would support the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region and upgrade it to a national strategy.

At the symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping fully affirmed the achievements made in the past five years, and also pointed out the deep-seated problems that need to be solved urgently, and gave the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta a heavier task and a higher mission——

"Promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to make new major breakthroughs, take the lead in Chinese-style modernization, and better play the role of pioneering, leading and demonstrating, and radiating and driving."

From "solid progress" to "in-depth advancement", from "continuous results" to "new major breakthroughs", on the basis of summarizing the achievements made in the past five years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has drawn a new blueprint to promote the continuous consolidation and improvement of the strong and active growth pole function of the Yangtze River Delta.

This year is the first year of implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The international environment is turbulent, and the tasks of domestic reform, development, and stability are arduous and arduous. Coordinating the two overall domestic and international situations, closely following the two keywords of "integration" and "high quality", the general secretary has made a new major breakthrough in promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

The first is to give better play to the role of "pioneering and exploring" and be a good experimental field for reform.

Integrated development is an advanced form of regional coordinated development, and it is also the difficulty and focus of the development of the Yangtze River Delta.

At the symposium, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized "unswervingly deepening reform and expanding high-level opening-up", put forward the "four overall plans", deployed the "five major tasks" to promote regional integration, and put forward clear requirements for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the exploration of new mechanisms and new paths for regional coordinated development, so as to draw a blueprint for the Yangtze River Delta to truly become a regional development community.

The second is to better play the role of "leading and demonstrating" and create a power source for development.

At the symposium, the general secretary emphasized that the Yangtze River Delta should "take the lead in implementing policies and measures to encourage, support and guide the healthy development of the private economy", "take the lead in promoting common prosperity", "accelerate the construction of the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integrated development demonstration zone", etc., and give the Yangtze River Delta more leading and demonstration missions for the integrated development.

With 4% of the country's land area, the Yangtze River Delta region gathers 17% of the country's population and creates nearly 1/4 of the country's total economic output, making it one of the regions with the most active economy, the highest degree of openness and the strongest innovation ability in the country. At the new starting point, we must put the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in the overall situation of national development to position and think, and put it in the leading and driving high-quality development of the whole country to lay out and plan, so as to better play its important role in supporting and serving Chinese-style modernization.

The third is to give better play to the role of "radiation drive" and strengthen the economic growth pole.

The Yangtze River Delta is not only the Yangtze River Delta of China, but also the Yangtze River Delta of the world. At the symposium, the general secretary emphasized "accelerating the construction of Shanghai's 'five centers'", "better linking the Yangtze River Economic Belt and radiating the whole country", "promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the deep integration of the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative", etc., which pointed out the direction for the next step to enhance the Yangtze River Delta's radiation capacity for the whole country and even the world.

From the perspective of China's territory, the long eastern coastline is like a longbow that has been stored for a long time, and the Yangtze River Delta is the arrowhead. A series of new arrangements at the symposium will better play the role of the Yangtze River Delta as a strong and active growth pole and make greater contributions to the construction of a modern socialist country.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's far-sighted vision for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta highlights the important role of coordinated regional development in promoting Chinese-style modernization. Since the beginning of this year, the general secretary has made many important instructions on regional coordinated development, and his domestic inspection footprint also reflects the profound consideration of regional coordinated development——

In April, in Guangdong, it was proposed to "make the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area a strategic fulcrum of the new development pattern, a demonstration place for high-quality development, and a leading place for Chinese-style modernization";

In May in Hebei, it was proposed that Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, as one of the three important power sources leading the country's high-quality development, should "play an exemplary and leading role in achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance";

In September, in Heilongjiang, he emphasized "firmly grasping the important mission of Northeast China in safeguarding the country's 'five major security'", and strived to write a new chapter in the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China;

In October, in Jiangxi, the focus was on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, releasing an important signal of "making greater efforts in high-level protection".

Connecting the east, the middle and the west, coordinating the north and the south. A series of major deployments related to regional coordinated development are important contents for accelerating the construction of a new development pattern and achieving high-quality development, reflecting the profound connotation of Xi Jinping's economic thought, and fully demonstrating General Secretary Xi Jinping's far-sightedness and overall boldness.

The general secretary stressed that promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is a big article, and it is necessary to adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, working one term after another, and constantly writing a new chapter in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

It takes a long time to write this big article, and a blueprint is drawn to the end. The convening of this symposium will surely promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta to continuously make new major breakthroughs and better play a leading and exemplary role in Chinese-style modernization.

Planner: Huo Xiaoguang, Jiang Wei

Producers: Zhang Xudong, Zhang Xiaosong, Ju Peng

Authors: Han Jie, Chen Weiwei, He Xinrong

Co-ordinator: Yang Jinzhi, Zou Wei, Wang Xuan, Zhu Jichai, Bai Jie

Visual Editors: Zhang Aifang, Bao Yuhan

Jointly produced by Xinhua News Agency and Shanghai Branch

Produced by Xinhua News Agency No. 1 Studio