Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credit: STRINGER / AFP 21:31 p.m., December 01, 2023

Gregorian Bivolaru, guru of an international yoga movement, was indicted on Friday night on charges of rape, abuse of weakness, kidnapping and human trafficking as part of an organized gang. He was remanded in custody. "We will work on the case and establish his innocence," his lawyer said.

The guru of an international yoga movement, Gregorian Bivolaru, was indicted on Friday night for rape, abuse of weakness, kidnapping and human trafficking as part of an organized gang, AFP learned from a judicial source.

At a hearing at the Paris court, a liberty and detention judge decided to place him in pre-trial detention. "I am sorry for this decision," his lawyer Anis Harabi told AFP. "We will work on the case and establish his innocence," he said.

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