Martinez Zogo case: Maxime Eko Eko and Jean-Pierre Amougou Belinga provisionally released

On Friday evening, the investigating judge, in charge of the investigation at the level of the military court, ordered the provisional release of the head of intelligence, Maxime Eko Eko, and the businessman, Jean-Pierre Amougou Belinga. Both remain under investigation among the 14 people indicted in this case. The investigation in which they are charged with complicity in kidnapping and torture has not yet been completed.

An altar in memory of Martinez Zogo, in front of Amplitude FM radio in Yaoundé, after the journalist's death in January 2023. AFP - DANIEL BELOUMOU OLOMO

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For Lieutenant Colonel Sikati, the detention of the two men "is no longer necessary for the manifestation of the truth". In his release order dated today, the investigating judge reviews the hearings of the two main defendants, and their confrontations with Lieutenant Colonel Justin Danwe, the man who allegedly carried out the murder of Martinez Zogo, at their request.

According to the document, Divisional Commissioner Eko Eko and six other intelligence officials said there had never been a meeting at the DGRE in the presence of the journalist. A meeting during which the radio host was alleged to have insulted the head of intelligence. The meeting was not the subject of any minutes, according to the investigation.

Then, Justin Danwe was supposed to have given an account of the murder to his boss on January 18 and 23. However, the private secretary of the commissioner Eko Eko says that Lieutenant Colonel Danwe did not come to the office until the 24th, and only to discuss totally different subjects. In addition, video surveillance from Danwe's office shows that he remained at his post throughout the day on the 23rd.

As for Jean-Pierre Amadou Belinga, Justin Danwe is said to have exonerated him during his interrogation. According to the officer, the businessman does not have the standing to give him orders. The two million FCFA he received from him were for his personal needs and not to eliminate Martinez Zogo. Financial support was regular between the two men, he told the judge.

Read alsoCameroon: new revelations by Reporters Without Borders on Martinez Zogo case

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