Security Council to vote on renewal of UN mission in Sudan

The UN Security Council will vote on Thursday on the renewal of Unitams, the Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan. After two and a half years of failure, the fate of this mission seems to be in jeopardy. Khartoum would like to put an immediate end to this mission.

The United Nations Security Council on May 19, 2022 in New York at the UN headquarters. © John Minchillo/AP

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Since its creation in June 2020 by resolution 2524, the Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan, Unitams, has been poorly accepted by the Sudanese military. The deposed former prime minister, Abdallah Hamdok, according to the army, acted unilaterally, asking the UN to create this new mission for Sudan without ever returning to his Council of Ministers or his partners in power.

Very quickly, the work of the mission would be criticized by the military. Volker Perthès, the leader of Unitams and the UN Secretary-General's special envoy, has been repeatedly accused of siding with one side of the struggle, outdoing his delegation and interfering in the country's political affairs. For his part, Abdallah Hamdok, the president of the Coordination of Democratic and Civil Forces, is calling for it to be maintained, especially after "the coup d'état of October 2021".

In June 2023, army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan declared Volker Perthès, persona non grata in Khartoum, calling for his replacement. Volker Perthès, put in an untenable position, ended up resigning in September. This is an admission of failure for the United Nations. Former Algerian diplomat Ramtane Lamamra has just succeeded him as UN special envoy to Sudan.

Established by the Security Council in June 2020, with the aim of assisting the transitional government. His term of office, which runs until 3 December, is renewed every six months.

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