The 12rd issue of Qiushi magazine published on December 1 will publish an important article by Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, "Effectively Strengthen the Protection of Cultivated Land and Do a Good Job in the Comprehensive Transformation and Utilization of Saline-alkali Land".

The article stresses that it is necessary to profoundly understand the importance and urgency of strengthening the protection of cultivated land. Food security is the "greatest power of the country", and arable land is the lifeblood of grain production. Our party has always attached great importance to the issue of cultivated land protection. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee has implemented a series of hard measures to maintain the red line of cultivated land and initially curb the continuous decline in the total amount of cultivated land. At the same time, it is necessary to soberly realize that China's national conditions of having more people and less land have not changed, the problems of "non-farming" and "non-graining" of cultivated land are still prominent, the foundation for maintaining the red line of cultivated land is not yet supported, and there are still many outstanding debts in farmland and water conservancy. In the new era and new journey, the task of cultivated land protection has not been reduced, but has become more arduous.

This paper puts forward the general idea and key measures to strengthen the protection of cultivated land. The article emphasizes that cultivated land protection is a systematic project, and at present, it is necessary to highlight and grasp the major requirements of equal emphasis on quantity and quality, strict law enforcement, systematic promotion, and sustainable utilization. The article stresses that to defend the lifeblood of cultivated land, there must be several key practical measures. The first is to consolidate the responsibility of cultivated land protection. The new round of territorial spatial planning has clarified the protection tasks of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland in various places, and has been implemented. Provincial-level party committees and governments must firmly shoulder their responsibilities and ensure that the red line of 18.15 billion mu of cultivated land will never be breached. Second, we will make every effort to improve the quality of cultivated land. The 46.<> billion mu of permanent basic farmland will be truly built into modern fertile land suitable for farming, guaranteed in drought and flood, and with high and stable yields. We should speed up the legislation on the protection of cultivated land quality, implement black soil protection projects, strengthen the management of degraded cultivated land such as acidification, and implement actions to improve the organic matter of cultivated land. The third is to reform and improve the system of balancing the occupation and compensation of cultivated land. The occupation of cultivated land of all kinds shall be uniformly included in the balanced management of occupation and compensation. Improve the quality acceptance system for supplementary cultivated land. Fourth, it is necessary to arouse the enthusiasm of peasants and local governments in protecting cultivated land, growing grain, and grasping grain. Improve the income guarantee mechanism for grain farmers. Develop various forms of agricultural moderate-scale operations. Improve the compensation mechanism for the interests of the main grain-producing areas, and form a joint force for the protection of cultivated land in the main grain-producing areas, the main sales areas, and the production and marketing balance areas. Strengthen the governance of abandoned land, find out the bottom number, and promote the use of abandoned land by category. Fifth, actively develop all kinds of non-traditional cultivated land resources. We should strengthen investment in scientific and technological research and development and production, explore effective development models, combine "storing grain on the ground" with "storing grain in technology," and make use of all kinds of non-traditional cultivated land resources for agricultural production. To protect cultivated land, it is necessary to strictly enforce the law, but we must not "pull drawers" back and forth indiscriminately. It is necessary to seek truth from facts, respect the law, protect the interests of farmers, strengthen propaganda and interpretation, appropriately set aside a transition period, and promote it step by step.

The article points out that it is necessary to do a good job in the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline-alkali land. The comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline-alkali land is an important aspect of cultivated land protection and improvement. There are many saline-alkali lands in China, and the salinization trend of cultivated land in some areas is aggravated, so it is of great significance to carry out the comprehensive transformation and utilization of saline-alkali land. It is necessary to fully tap the potential of the development and utilization of saline-alkali land, strengthen the transformation and upgrading of existing saline-alkali cultivated land, effectively curb the trend of salinization of cultivated land, steadily expand the space for agricultural production, improve the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture, and do a good job in the characteristic agriculture of saline-alkali land. It is necessary to focus on several tasks: First, comprehensively find out the situation of saline-alkali land resources and lay a solid foundation for the work. The second is to do a good job in top-level design, study and prepare the overall plan and special implementation plan for the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land. The third is to implement policies by classification, and carry out the improvement of saline-alkali cultivated land management by zoning and classification. Fourth, we should adhere to the overall planning of grain, economy and feeding, use saline-alkali land according to local conditions, and ask for food from all kinds of saline-alkali land resources. Fifth, it is necessary to combine "planting suitable for the right place" with "using the right land for the right seed", accelerate the selection and breeding of saline-alkali tolerant varieties, and vigorously promote the effective practice of improving the management of saline-alkali land. Sixth, formulate fiscal and financial policies to support the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land, and strengthen the guarantee of capital and other factors.