More and more workers in different branches of the US government have expressed their rejection of Biden's position on the war on Gaza (Reuters)

Washington — Posting a photo with specific political meanings on a social media platform is a highly unusual move for a senior intelligence official, as did a senior CIA official who shared a pro-Palestine photo on her Facebook page two weeks after the Islamist group Hamas's Al-Aqsa flood, according to the Financial Times.

The timing of the publication of the photo coincided with President Joe Biden's visit to Israel to show his full support for the Israeli position, and to hold meetings with the families of the dead and detained Israelis.

Ms. Maqsoud is reportedly a senior CIA official, having previously overseen the production of the president's daily briefing, a collection of top-secret intelligence that is provided to the president on most days.

It comes as tensions rise within the US administration over whether President Joe Biden should put more pressure on Israel to end the fighting in the Gaza Strip.

Biden (left) faces growing opposition among government employees over his unequivocal support for Israel (Anatolia)

Intelligence warns its employees

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Ambassador David Mack, former US Assistant Secretary of State for Middle East Affairs, who previously worked at his country's consulate in Jerusalem, pointed out that "US officials should not associate their names with criticism of Palestinians or Israelis, because this can detract from the message that senior US administration officials are trying to convey to Congress and the American people."

Whether it's State Department officials, military agencies or intelligence agencies, it's best to avoid commenting on social media or talking to the media, unless authorized to do so, he said, "especially since there are lurking critics of the Biden administration who exploit such comments to serve their political goals."

Former U.S. intelligence officials said the photo raised concerns on several levels, including the fact that the CIA has strong ties to Israel's intelligence services.

U.S. intelligence agencies have warned their employees against any social media posts, and reports have referred to an email to employees that is "just a reminder of current policy," a U.S. official told NBC News.

The same sources noted that no disciplinary action was taken against an official and was referred to as an official with "a broad background in all aspects of the Middle East, and this publication was not intended to express a specific position on the conflict."

A CIA spokesperson said in a statement: "CIA officers are committed to analytical objectivity, which is at the heart of what we do as an agency. CIA officers may have personal views, but that doesn't diminish their commitment — or the CIA's commitment — to unbiased analysis."

Biden Should Listen

The incident came at a time when Washington is witnessing divisions within the federal government over President Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and adds to a long record of increasing numbers of workers in various branches of the US government expressing their rejection of Biden's position on the aggression, which resulted in the martyrdom of at least 15,<> Palestinians.

Trita Parsi, vice president of the Quincy Policy Institute in Washington, tweeted on X: "We knew there were many in the State Department who were dissatisfied with Biden's policy in Gaza. And we know that there are also many in the White House who were unhappy. Apparently, there are many in the CIA as well. Maybe Biden should listen?"

We knew people at State were unhappy with Biden's Gaza policy.

We know people at the White House were unhappy.

And apparently, people at CIA as well. Perhaps Biden should listen?

Senior CIA official posted pro-Palestine image on Facebook

— Trita Parsi (@tparsi) November 28, 2023

Earlier this month, a group of about 20 angry White House staff requested a meeting with President Biden's top advisers as Israel's assault on Gaza entered its sixth week.

The staff group had 3 main issues they wanted to discuss: knowing the administration's strategy to reduce civilian casualties, the message Washington plans to send about the conflict, and finally its vision for Gaza's future after the war stops.

Biden's advisers said the administration should be careful not to publicly criticize Israel so it can influence its leaders in private, and stressed that the Biden administration is pressuring Israel to minimize civilian casualties. Biden's advisers reminded angry staffers of the president's and his top aides to call for a two-state solution once the conflict is over.

In an open letter sent to the White House, hundreds of USAID staff also expressed their demand that Biden press for a ceasefire to protect Palestinian civilians. In addition, dozens of State Department staffers — via secret opposition cables — questioned the White House's approach.

Last month, more than 400 congressional staff signed an open letter calling for a ceasefire and the release of Israeli detainees. The signatories were predominantly Muslim and Jewish, but signed anonymously for fear of jeopardizing their personal safety and work.

For those who've served in and around the IC and especially in the Near East focused parts of the CIA, anti-Semitic behavior disguised as anti-Israel isn't a surprise. Off hand comments directed towards Jews are common. This, however, is the most public example of this behavior...

— Ezra A. Cohen (@EzraACohen) November 28, 2023

Political gains

Observers believe that some commentators and former officials who are major supporters of Israel have exploited the latest incident for political gain.

Ezra Cohen, a former U.S. intelligence official under President Donald Trump, tweeted on the X platform criticizing the intelligence chief's actions, saying that "for those who have served in and near the intelligence services, especially those focused on the Middle East, anti-Semitic behavior in an anti-Israel form is no surprise. Indirect comments directed at Jews are common."

"This is only the most public example of this behavior I've seen during my years of work. "It will be interesting to see a study on whether this sick culture has influenced the CIA's analytical judgments and intelligence gathering over the past several decades."

Source : Al Jazeera