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Video duration 07 minutes 01 seconds 07:01

The Israeli occupation prevented ambulance teams from reaching a Palestinian youth with disabilities targeted by the occupation forces at the entrance to Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank, at a time when it prevented the Martyr Khalil Suleiman Governmental Hospital in the city from receiving one of the injured after it surrounded the hospital and informed the medical teams not to receive any injured.

The occupying forces, who stormed Jenin with about 100 patrols, also surrounded Al-Razi and Ibn Sina hospitals to prevent any injured from reaching them, and closed all roads leading to the three hospitals in Jenin.

Al-Jazeera's correspondent in the city reported that armed clashes broke out between the Israeli occupation forces and Palestinian resistance fighters in the city, adding that the occupation forces stormed Jenin and surrounded a number of houses amid the flight of marches in the sky of the city.

Eyewitnesses said that the occupation forces stormed a number of homes of Palestinian resistance, and are interrogating their families, amid demands for the resistance to surrender themselves.

The Israeli occupation army declared the city of Jenin a closed military zone after storming the city, and the storming included armed confrontations with Palestinian resistance fighters in Jenin and the vicinity of its camp.

Source : Al Jazeera