"Poland's new inhumane tactics in action: another refugee died at the border... The European authorities continue to demonstrate shocking inhumanity towards refugees," the statement said.

According to the agency, on November 28, Polish border guards used physical force to force two citizens of Afghanistan into the territory of Belarus. Near the gate, they found another refugee in an extremely emaciated state.

"According to the man, the Polish security forces deliberately pushed him out alone so that there would be no one to help. Belarusian border guards immediately called medical workers to the scene. However, by their arrival, the refugee had died," the State Border Committee of the Republic added.

In October, Polish border guards used tear gas against illegal migrants on the border with Belarus.

In September, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of Poland, Mariusz Kamiński, said that the country's authorities had introduced transport controls on the border with Slovakia to curb illegal migration.