It was at the end of April that a car dealership in Stora höga in Stenungsund was shot at with automatic weapons. The building and two cars inside the premises were damaged.

Two days later, three suspects were arrested, later another person was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the shooting. One person is still at large.

Today, charges were brought against the five young people, who are between 17-20 years old, at Uddevalla District Court.

All are charged on suspicion of aggravated weapons offenses, four of them are also charged with aggravated damage.

Additional Shooting

A week after the first shooting, the car dealership was shot at again. According to the prosecutor, the incident is still under investigation and is not part of today's indictment.

The car dealership's owner has previously told SVT Nyheter Väst that he has no idea what could be behind the attacks.

"We have no threat against us and have been on the premises for four years. As soon as we got here, we called the police and we'll do that again if necessary," he said at the time.

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In May, the car dealership was shot at for the second time in less than two weeks. Photo: Robert Betzehag / Rescue Photo