• PP Feijóo appoints Bendodo as deputy secretary of regional and municipal policy and Alicia García, spokesperson in the Senate
  • He was replaced by Miguel Tellado, the PP's new spokesperson in Congress, and Carmen Fúnez, the party's 'number three'

The territorial power of the PP applauds the appointment of Miguel Tellado as spokesperson in Congress. Alberto Núñez Feijóo has placed his right-hand man as the strong man of a legislature of clash of horns against the Government and hardness of flint before the "wall" of amnesty, but the barons look further and see in him "a born negotiator" and "a good professional" to grease the party machinery from the Lower House. new axis displaced from the political action of the Popular Party after the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

Various sources from the PP government baronies agree that Tellado will play the "bad cop" in the discursive, but trying to break the parliamentary majority that the PSOE has strangled and negotiating with the rest of the groups to try to lead the parliamentary initiative despite his secondary role. All the leaders consulted unanimously say that Tellado is an extension of Feijóo, and that it is precisely that closeness, forged over more than a decade. "Although that's a double-edged sword," admits one baron, "because when Tellado speaks, you understand that Feijóo is speaking," and their styles are very different.

In the case of Carmen Fúnez, her appointment as deputy secretary general of Organization has caused some surprise in the communities led by the PP. "It is difficult for us to see her as the party's chief plumber," sums up one of the presidents, "but the phase of the congresses has already passed and Feijóo has rewarded her good relationship with her" and her Sorayist fondness for "consensus." "Fúnez is better suited to the social costume, but it has gained a lot of prominence. We'll see, it's anyone's guess," another baron privately admits. "Feijóo has been insisting on it for a long time and it comes at a key organic moment," says a third.

His first challenges will be the Basque and Galician elections and the renewal of the Catalan PP. For this position, Genoa is currently betting on Dolors Montserrat as a clear option. His position as spokesperson for the Popular Party in Brussels would be vacant and could be taken over by the Valencian Esteban González Pons, if he chooses to return to the European Parliament.

Tellado and Fúnez do not decide the balance of power in the PP's territories, as does the hierarchical reduction of the weight of Elías Bendodo. However, the PP of Andalusia is satisfied with its deputy secretary plus of Regional and Municipal Policy and Electoral Analysis. He thus assumes the functions left free by Pedro Rollán and maintains the areas of Electoral Evolution and Trends, as well as those of Analysis and Strategic Planning that depended directly on him until now in his role as general coordinator, which disappears.

The one who does gain power of influence is Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, seeing how the Castilian and Leonese Alicia García ascends to the Steering Committee of the PP after her appointment as spokesperson in the Senate. Not surprisingly, the largest subgroup of the Lower House is that of senators from this autonomous community. "The weight of Castilla y León is noticeable" in the leadership of the PP, sources from the Junta stress.

That said, Aragon and, above all, Madrid are waiting for the new appointments of deputy secretaries that will be announced today to gauge their "entry" into the dome of Genoa or the (important) second row of Congress. In the PP pools, several names sound strong: Ana Alós from Huesca -probable deputy secretary of Social Policy-, Esther Muñoz from León, Noelia Núñez from Fuenlabreña and Marta Rivera de la Cruz from Galicia.

And Borja Sémper will remain in Genoa with a "political" profile. He has been acting as a spokesperson.

  • PP
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Elias Bendodo
  • Cuca Gamarra
  • Miguel Tellado
  • Politics
  • Articles Juanma Lamet