Yanis Darras 09:25, 29 November 2023

Dominique Reynié, political scientist and director general of Fondapol, was the guest of La Grande Interview on Europe 1-CNews this Wednesday. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, he returned to the statement of Eric Dupond-Moretti, who believes that the RN seeks to oppose two France, and judges that there is "a great confusion of minds".

It is a battle that the National Assembly will remember for a long time. On Tuesday, Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti accused the National Rally of opposing two Frances, that of "rural and quiet, Catholic and white France, to the France of the cities, the France of Mohamed, Mouloud and Rachid". The lawyer also called on Marine Le Pen's party to "expel from (its) ranks the 'Gudards', the identitarians, the Nazis, the racists and the anti-Semites".

"A great confusion of minds"

A response deemed "filthy" by Marine Le Pen, who wishes to file a complaint. Invited this Wednesday morning, political analyst Dominique Reynié believes that there is "a great confusion of minds", adding that he is "struck by the language register of the Minister of Justice".

Shortly before this heated exchange, the deputies paid tribute to the young Thomas, who was stabbed last week at the end of the ball in the village of Crépol. A minute's silence that the general manager of the Fondapol struggles to understand. "We remember the minute's silence for Nahel. Now we had a minute's silence for Thomas. It's a way for the National Assembly, inevitably, to tell us that these are not news items, so they are political facts," he said.

A country really divided in two?

Minutes of silence that for the political scientist, characterizes the idea of two France facing each other. However, the government is trying to counterbalance this point. "We pay tribute to everybody, because we have to compensate in a way. And finally, that is what the Minister of Justice is also saying. There would therefore be only two Frances and it would be necessary to compensate, to pass from one to the other by symbolic signs by manifesting a form of emotion for one of the two France, another form of emotion for the other of the two France, "he analyzes.

"I find that our rulers are misguided on the understanding" of the subject, he concludes, believing that it is not "reassuring to oppose from this news item, two Frances, and distinguish them in the very mouth of the government".