Write new glory on the new battlefield

——Introduction to the deeds of the "Most Beautiful Veteran" in 2023

"The army has trained us for many years, and after we retire, we want to do something meaningful." A simple wish made nine members of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region's Qimo County veteran sand control team bury their heads in the sea of sand and plant tens of thousands of acres of greenery in the Taklamakan Desert, known as the "Sea of Death", "vowing to turn the desert into an oasis".

What changes is the position, and what does not change is the original intention. Self-reliance, innovation and development, disability, self-improvement, rooted in the grassroots, serving the masses, cultivating people, loving teaching and learning, passing on love, and contributing to society... In the 2023 "Most Beautiful Retired Soldier", what we see is the pursuit of hard work, the courage and courage to stand up, and the high-spirited style of always maintaining their true colors.

As outstanding representatives of the vast number of retired soldiers, they bear in mind the solemn oath under the military flag, continue to charge in the new battlefields of grassroots governance, rural revitalization, innovation and entrepreneurship, and use the conscious actions of sharing worries for the party, dedicating to the country and serving the people, write the answer sheet of the times of loyalty, struggle and dedication, and continue to write new glory.

- Editor

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Jimo County Veteran Sand Control Team After retiring from the war, Tian Ye, the founder of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Jimo County Veteran Sand Control Team, gave up a comfortable life in the city and raised funds with eight veterans to advance to Jimo County, Bayingolin Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, in the hinterland of the Taklamakan Desert, contracting 8,5 acres of sandy land. After five years of hard work, the veterans overcame unimaginable difficulties and planted more than 5,10 acres of more than 1 kinds of psammophytes such as Haloxylon and red willow in the desert, and inoculated more than 2,8000 acres of Cistanche, with a survival rate of more than 85%. They not only created the miracle of turning 2021,<> acres of sand into an oasis, improved the natural environment around the county, and built a green barrier for the people of Jimo to block sand disasters and live and work in peace and contentment, but also actively promoted desert ecological forests and cash crop planting technology, driving more than <>,<> local farmers to increase employment and income. In <>, he won the first prize and the national winning award in the agricultural group of the Xinjiang Division of the <>nd Veterans Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition.

Wang Qi, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in April 1969, enlisted in the army in 4, retired in 1985, retired cadre of the army in Changchun City, Jilin Province, retired cadre of Xi'an Qiaowai Rest House, chairman of the Provincial Association for the Blind

In 1986, Wang Qi was honorably wounded in battle and lost his sight, and was awarded a first-class meritorious service. He was handicapped and determined, and he taught himself Braille, computers, and traditional Chinese medicine massage, and relieved the pain of the officers and soldiers of the army and the masses in the post of a blind military doctor. His research and development of field portable therapeutic instruments has won two national patents and won the All-Army Science and Technology Progress Award. His long-form documentary "The Sun Stays Forever," written in Braille, won the third national "Striving for Civilization and Progress Award" and the second prize of the Army's New Literary and Artistic Works. He assisted more than 2 blind people in finding employment and organized blind volunteers to carry out more than 180,5000 volunteer massage services. In 2014, he was rated as a national model of self-improvement, and in 2023, he was rated as a "good person of Jilin".

Zhatta, male, Tibetan, born in May 1975, enlisted in the army in 5, retired in 1993, vice president of the Shigatse Charity Association of the Tibet Autonomous Region

After retiring from the army, Za'tar organized the surplus labor force in his hometown to engage in the construction industry, and developed a small construction team into a large-scale comprehensive private enterprise with more than 600 permanent employees. He raised his own funds to build a 5,2500-cubic-meter reservoir to solve the problems of drinking water and irrigation for the villagers. funding the construction of flood control dams; funded and donated to build technical schools, exempted tuition and miscellaneous fees, board and lodging fees for the needy, and trained more than 3600,2018 handicraftsmen; Sponsor needy students until they graduate from university; Build a comprehensive market, promote the development of local industries, and drive the poor people to achieve a stable increase in income. He has invested more than 2021 million yuan in various poverty alleviation funds. In <>, he was named a model individual for ethnic unity and progress in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and in <>, he was rated as a national advanced individual in poverty alleviation and a "model retired soldier in the whole region" in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Ye Haihui, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in November 1971, enlisted in the army in 11, retired in 1992, physical education teacher of Kanmen Haidu Primary School in Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province

Ye Haihui has been rooted in island education for 28 years, loves to teach and learn, has the courage to innovate, and is enthusiastic about public welfare. He has created more than 2000,80 sports games and produced more than 4200,100 pieces of sports equipment of more than 300 kinds. He has published more than 3 papers and experience summaries, and held more than 2 public classes and lectures. He presided over the provincial and municipal famous teacher studios, of which 40 were rated as senior professional titles and 16 were rated as provincial special teachers. He is enthusiastic about public welfare, and has gone to Jiangxi, Hunan, Tibet, Qinghai and other places to participate in rural teaching, leading the team to carry out sports activities for the elderly. During the new crown epidemic, he produced more than 3000 courses of "Home Physical Exercise Guide for Primary and Secondary School Students", and 2014 micro-lessons were published and broadcast on the central media platform, with more than 2022,<> views. In <>, he was named "National Excellent Teacher", and in <>, he was awarded the National May Day Labor Medal.

Liu Shanguo, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in December 1956, enlisted in the army in 12, retired in 1974, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hebei Tongfu Group Co., Ltd

Liu Shanguo did not fade after retirement, started his own business and was determined to struggle. He started from setting up a stall, relying on the business philosophy of "relying on righteousness for profit, repaying righteousness with profit" and good reputation, and the company continued to grow bigger and stronger. He seized the opportunity and devoted himself to research to promote the successful launch of products with 72 national patents. He devoted himself to rural revitalization, building a modern enterprise group integrating big health food, rural revitalization, and sharing the model of sharing happiness, and gave priority to providing 500 jobs for retired soldiers every year. He explored the integration model of villages and enterprises, developed a rural revitalization park, received more than 200 million tourists per year, solved the employment of more than 10000,1000 surrounding villagers, and increased the per capita monthly income by about 2022,<> yuan. In <>, he was rated as the "most beautiful veteran" in Hebei Province.

Liu Yajun, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in August 1968, enlisted in the army in 8, retired in 1985, and is a ranger of Pangu Forest Farm of Tahe Forestry Bureau, Daxinganling District, Heilongjiang Province

Liu Yajun has been engaged in forestry management and protection for more than 20 years. He is responsible for the management and protection of 15869,20 hectares of forest land on a family basis. The remote and difficult working and living environment caused him to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases, and the leaders of the forest farm repeatedly proposed to adjust his work, but he politely declined. For more than 6 years, he has traveled to every mountain and ditch in the management area, ridden 1000 motorcycles, rescued more than 2017,2019 precious wild animals, and there has not been a single case of illegal logging and forest fire in the area, realizing the "three growths" of forest area, forest volume and forest coverage. In <>, he was rated as a model worker in Heilongjiang Province, and in <>, he won the National May Day Labor Medal.

An Xiaohua, male, Yi nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in October 1981, enlisted in the army in 10, retired in 2004, and is the leader of the law enforcement investigation team of the Baoshan Border Management Detachment of the Yunnan Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station

An Xiaohua has been trained in multiple positions such as police stations, checkpoints, and investigation teams, and has always fought on the front line of combating cross-border violations and crimes. He presided over 77 drug cases, extended 34 cases, co-organized 95 cases, broke into undercover criminal gangs 12 times, successfully destroyed 6 drug trafficking gangs, arrested more than 350 criminal suspects, seized 1.5 tons of various drugs, arrested more than 50 organizations and transporters who illegally crossed the national (border) border, and seized and repatriated 562 "three non" personnel. In 2022, he was awarded the title of National Outstanding People's Police, and in 2023, he was awarded the title of "Top Ten National Guards".

Sun Zhanhai, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in March 1964, enlisted in the army in 3, retired in 1982, special technician of the Tianjin space station assembly team of the General Assembly and Environmental Engineering Department of the Fifth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation

Sun Zhanhai has devoted himself to the aerospace industry for more than 30 years, participated in the spacecraft assembly of 10 manned spacecraft and 2 space laboratories, and personally escorted 9 astronauts to space, known as the "guardian saint" of the hatch of the Shenzhou spacecraft. He organized and led the research and development team to successfully complete the development tasks of the "Tianhe" core module and the "Wentian" experimental module of China's space station, developed more than 40 sets of spacecraft technology and equipment, overcame more than 90 technical problems, and eliminated more than 100 hidden dangers in spacecraft launches, making important contributions to the national manned space industry. In 2022, he was rated as the "Most Beautiful Veteran" in Tianjin.

Li Meng, female, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in August 1989, enlisted in the army in 8, retired in 2007, and was the leader of the 2009 women's fecal pumping squad of Shi Chuanxiang Institute of the Environmental Sanitation Center of Dongcheng District, Beijing

Li Meng, as a sanitation and dung digger in the new era, adheres to Shi Chuanxiang's concept of "I would rather be dirty than ten thousand clean". At work, she has to hold nearly 70 pounds of manure pipes, pump out the sundries and fecal residues in the manure well, and if the manure pipes are blocked, she will pick out the sundries by hand, and she will be so tired that she can't lift her arms at the end of the day. During the new crown epidemic, she took the lead in submitting a petition to the party organization, and took the initiative to ask Yingshen to sink into the community to assist in bayonet management, epidemic prevention propaganda and other work. In 2018, he won the National May Day Labor Medal, in 2021, he was named an outstanding Communist Party member of Beijing, and in 2022, he was elected as a representative of the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Zou Ling, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in June 1966, enlisted in the army in 6, retired in 1985, secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Yuzixi Village, Yingxiu Town, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province

Zou Ling is grateful for the cultivation of the party and the country, and is determined to repay the society and give back to the villagers. After the Wenchuan earthquake, he immediately went to the front line of the disaster to rescue and provide disaster relief, and since then he has taken root in Yuzixi Village, Yingxiu Town, for 15 years, and moved the party organization relationship and household registration from Tianjin to Yingxiu, becoming a "military secretary". He donated to build an enterprise out of his own pocket, led the villagers to carry out post-disaster reconstruction, promoted rural revitalization, and promoted common prosperity, making Yuzixi Village a well-known "Four Good Village"; He is concerned about the development and construction of ethnic minority areas, has helped the poor people of ethnic minorities for a long time, and vigorously helped the development of industries. Over the years, he has helped dozens of villages, more than 30,100 people, and sponsored more than 600 college students and more than 2021 orphans. In 2022, he was rated as "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Sichuan Province", and in <>, he was rated as "Sichuan Good Man" and "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldier" in Sichuan Province.

Chen Xiaopan, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in October 1971, enlisted in the army in 10, retired in 1989, member of the Party Committee of the Public Security Bureau of Linying County, Henan Province and a police officer stationed in the village

Chen Xiaopan has been rooted in the grassroots for 23 years, doing practical things and solving problems for the masses. The "five-step double-network" work method he founded has arrested more than 200 criminal suspects and handled more than 7000,30 requests for help from various police reports, effectively solving the problem of public security in rural areas. He courteously treated veterans, cared for left-behind children, actively participated in emergency rescue and various public welfare activities, and donated more than 2019 yuan in total. He is regarded as the closest person by the masses, and his deeds have been adapted into Henan pendant "Good Policeman Chen Xiaopan", Henan Opera "Confidant", song "Good Policeman", micro-film "Heart-to-Heart Knot", etc. In 2021, he was rated as a national super-outstanding people's policeman and a national model retired soldier, and in <>, he was rated as a national outstanding communist member.

Shang Xiaodong, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in May 1962, enlisted in the army in 5, retired in 1983, second-level researcher and doctoral supervisor of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Shang Xiaodong has grown from a military academy instructor to a famous physical oceanographer, and was selected into the "Hundred Talents Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He established the theory of ocean temperature boundary layer and applied it in practice to effectively maintain marine national defense security. The mechanism of ocean mixing caused by the parametric subharmonic instability of the whole day tide was discovered and proved, leading the international frontier research in this field. It has built China's first deep-sea multidisciplinary observation system, Xisha Observation Network, made important scientific discoveries, and was awarded the "Top Ten Advances in China's Marine Science and Technology" in 2015. Research and development of a series of ocean observation equipment to fill a number of gaps at home and abroad. He has presided over more than 30 national, provincial and ministerial projects, published more than 80 academic papers, obtained more than 30 national patents, and trained doctoral students to be selected into the national "Youth Thousand Talents Program". In 2019, he was rated as a national model retired soldier.

Zhou Gonghu, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in November 1962, enlisted in the army in 11, retired in 1980, and is the leader of the clean-up team in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Zigui County, Hubei Province

Zhou Gonghu has guarded the Yangtze River for 17 years, practiced the sacred mission of "a river with clear water flowing eastward", and was known as "the first person to drift the Yangtze River". From one person and one boat, to the establishment of a retired soldier's ecological and environmental protection volunteer service team, he has always maintained the true character of a soldier, practiced the concept of "grasping great protection and not engaging in large-scale development" with practical actions, dived and removed obstacles, waded and salvage, and cleared more than 1,5 boats and salvaged more than 20 million cubic meters of floating debris, guarding the last line of defense in front of the Three Gorges Dam. In 2021, it won the "Hubei Provincial Environmental Protection Government Award".

Xia Zhaoyan, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in October 1935, enlisted in the army in 10, retired in 1951, retired professor of Hunan University of Science and Technology

Xia Zhaoyan joined the Air Force of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army in 1951 and served as a cultural instructor in the army. After retiring from the army, he was admitted to university, and after graduation, he worked as a middle school teacher in the old revolutionary base area, and later became a university professor. After retiring, he suffered from cancer and had three-quarters of his stomach removed, returned to his hometown to recuperate, and built a village cultural activity center, a rural bookstore, a school for the elderly, and a children's vacation school, and set up scholarships, and the cultural environment of his hometown was significantly improved. He has realized the "four transformations" from retired soldiers to university professors, from university campuses to hometown villages, from paid work to volunteer service, from teaching students to teaching villagers, and interprets the responsibility and dedication of outstanding retired soldiers in the new era with practical actions. In 2019, he was awarded the 2022th National Moral Model, and in <>, he was awarded the <>nd National Care for the Next Generation "The Most Beautiful Five Elders".

Yin Qilong, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in September 1975, enlisted in the army in 9, retired in 1994, employee of the second branch of Chongqing Taxi Co., Ltd

As a member of the company's "Worker Pioneer" crew, Yin Qilong took the initiative to rush to the front line of flood control, participated in flood fighting and rescue tasks, and actively transported rescue materials. As a representative of the National People's Congress, he is based on his post, rooted in the grassroots, conscientiously performs his duties, collects public opinions, and promotes the development of the transportation industry; He is enthusiastic about public welfare, and has volunteered to participate in the examination delivery activities for more than 10 consecutive years, helping students to take the exam. For a promise, he volunteered to transport the elderly to see a doctor for two consecutive years; He cares about his colleagues and is enthusiastic about helping others, and has launched two initiatives, leading the team to donate money to seriously ill colleagues, and interpreting the responsibility of retired soldiers with practical actions. In 2021, he won the National May Day Labor Medal, in 2022, he was named the "Most Beautiful Veteran" in Chongqing, and in 2023, he was elected as a deputy to the <>th National People's Congress.

Zai Hongbin, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in April 1971, enlisted in the army in 4, retired in 1989, senior technician of Jincheng Power Supply Company of State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company

Zai Hongbin has been rooted in the front line of transmission line operation and inspection for 30 years, has climbed more than 3000,58 transmission towers, and patrolled tens of thousands of kilometers on foot. The innovative achievements presided over by him have won 86 awards at all levels, such as the Excellence Award of the China Patent Award, the second prize of the National Employee Outstanding Technological Innovation Achievement Award, and the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of the State Grid Corporation, and obtained 6 domestic authorized patents. published 35 technical monographs and 30 technical papers; A total of more than 2020 outstanding experts above the provincial company level and technical experts have been trained. In 2022, he was rated as a national model worker, and in <>, he was rated as the "most beautiful retired soldier" in Shanxi Province.

Tao Yijia, female, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in January 1952, enlisted in the army in 1, retired in 1971, retired cadre of Shanghai First Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

In 1982, Tao Yijia launched the first car serving the people on Nanjing Road, providing free services such as blood pressure measurement and weighing for passers-by. Since then, her figure has become a beautiful scenery of Lei Feng's "Service for the People Day" on Nanjing Road. Today, the event has attracted more than 50 military and local units to participate, covering more than 60 service projects such as hairdressing and sewing. In 1997, the "Yijia Medical Hotline 63224457" named after her was officially opened, and she took the lead in setting up the "Tao Yijia Service Fund" to provide help for the elderly, military martyrs, and the disabled. In 2000, he was named a national model worker, and in 2021, he was named the "most beautiful retired soldier" in Shanghai.

Ge Jun, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in July 1976, enlisted in the army in 7, retired in 1994, China Post Group Co., Ltd. Golmud Branch recruiter

Ge Jun adhered to the true character of a soldier, with his love for his career, one person, one car, day after day, using his life to measure the Getang (Golmud City to Tanggula Mountain Town) postal route, which is known as the "forbidden area of life". He was the "Ge squad leader" in the hearts of the border guards, climbing the 150-step "ladder" carved in the steep cliff, and sending the parcel into the army barracks at an altitude of more than 4000,500 meters; He is the "lifesaver" on the five beams, rescuing the trapped herdsmen and tourists along the way from the death line many times; He is a "practitioner" of serving the people, serving the officers and soldiers along the 2014-kilometer Hongyantian Road one-way, as well as the herdsmen along the way; He is the "green messenger" of the Qinghai-Tibet line, actively promoting environmental protection knowledge and doing his best to be an environmental protection volunteer. In 2022, he was awarded the May Fourth Medal of Chinese Youth, was named a model individual of national unity and progress, and was elected as a representative of the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in <>.

Wen Wenxi, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in September 1978, enlisted in the army in 9, retired in 1995, director of the production skills of Anxi Tieguanyin, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province

After Wen Wenxi retired and returned to his hometown, he built a multi-party win-win model of "learning institute + tea farmer + tea enterprise", carried out tea planting and tea making technology training, trained more than 1,56 people, trained 100 high-skilled talents, paired up to help more than 1 poor tea farmers, and led tea farmers to get rid of poverty and become rich through innovative models, equipment and products. He has published 5 professional textbook, published 1 papers, won a number of national invention patents, won the gold medal of the National Invention Exhibition once, and the first prize of the Fujian Innovation Competition 3 times. In 2021, he was named the "most beautiful veteran" in Fujian Province, and in 2022, he was elected as a representative of the <>th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Pei Shuqing, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, born in July 1961, enlisted in the army in 7, retired in 1979, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shandong People's Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

After nearly 20 years of hard work, Pei Shuqing worked hard to start a business, and after nearly 460 years of hard work, the pharmaceutical company founded provided jobs for more than 30 retired soldiers and military families, issued honorary subsidies to retired military employees every month, rewarded employees' children for enlistment, and helped and rescued more than 5 retired military employees in difficulty. He invested in the construction of a Chinese herbal medicine market, exempted retired soldiers who rented shops to start a business, exempted them from rent for 560 years and gave financial and technical support, and built a "retired military employment and entrepreneurship incubation base". He provided more than 2022 square meters of shops of the company to set up a service station for veterans free of charge and actively supported the work of veterans. In <>, he was named "the most beautiful retired soldier in Qilu".

(Except for collectives, in order of surname strokes, pictures and texts provided by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs)

(People's Liberation Army Daily)