Filmmakers signed a statement declaring their "unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice and liberation" (Al Jazeera)

Marrakech - More than 25 directors, producers and actors of different nationalities as well as participants in the Marrakech International Film Festival have chosen to break the silence about the ongoing genocide in Gaza by the occupation forces, announcing the organization of a solidarity stand in the Red City on November 29, on the anniversary of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, and in coordination with the Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalization.

Filmmakers, producers, actors, cultural event organizers and film professionals invited the Marrakech International Film Festival attendees to join the vigil.

They also announced their joining the efforts of the Moroccan initiative "Eye on Palestine", along with the Palestine Film Institute, to organize an evening on the same day, according to a statement obtained by Al Jazeera Net, under the title "Directors, producers and actors reject the silence of the Marrakech International Film Festival about what is happening in Palestine and declare their solidarity with the cause," as this evening is an opportunity for actors in the cultural and artistic scene in Morocco to meet to discuss how to effectively and strategically solidarity with the Palestinians.

The city of Marrakesh witnesses every Wednesday evening and Friday stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, organized by civil activists (Al Jazeera)

"Supporting Just Causes"

The coordinator of the Moroccan Front to support Palestine and anti-normalization branch of Marrakech Youssef Abu Hassan for Al Jazeera Net that "the pause will include artistic performances, and poetry readings," highlighting that the pause comes within a series of stops organized in more than 30 Moroccan cities, and expected to be a strong and rallying Marrakech pause, interspersed also with a speech for filmmakers participating in the International Film Festival in Marrakech.

Abu al-Hassan pointed out that "missionary art must support all just causes, foremost of which is the cause of Palestine, which is going through serious events, through deliberate cleansing and extermination operations by the occupation forces."

The researcher in cinema Hamid Atbatu – Al Jazeera Net – that "the initiative is a testimony to history, and a formula for building the right creative affiliation, based on the position in the process of human history, as it gives the ability of cinema and its associated to create hope and strengthen its front."

The same researcher stressed that "there will be no meaning for cinema and all the relations, demonstrations and forms of celebration associated with it, if it does not listen to the needs of man in its surroundings and in the whole human continent, which is supposed to be one of the tasks of cinema to ensure its construction and enrichment."

"The aggression against Palestine deserves action from within all locations, including the Marrakech Film Festival, which also applies to other issues at the heart of our Moroccan existence," the researcher said.

Every Wednesday and Friday evening, the city of Marrakech is known for stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, organized by civil activists, and the organizers of the Marrakech International Film Festival canceled key segments in solidarity with the victims of the Morocco earthquake and the victims of the war on Gaza, including the red carpet segment, and the participation of the film "Bye Bye Tiberias", which chronicles the suffering of Palestinians in the diaspora and exile.

Film critic Mustafa Alwani, in an interview with Al Jazeera Net, that these positions are sufficient to express the solidarity that Moroccans have for the cause of Palestine, and highlighted that he himself will carry the Palestinian flag during the tribute to Moroccan director Fawzi Bensaidi, known for his full support for this humanitarian cause.

Festival participants called on all those who submit films or film projects to highlight Palestine, to break the silence of the festival (Al Jazeera)

Statement rejecting silence

Returning to the same statement, the signatory filmmakers also expressed their "unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice and liberation," declaring that they do not accept the festival's silence on the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinians besieged in Gaza.

Around the world, anyone who publicly denounces the crimes committed by Israel is being intimidated, harassed and criminalized, in a way that takes a bigger turn every time, and yet there are many artistic and cultural institutions as well as many artists and cultural actors who take a clear and principled stand for justice.

The signatories stressed that their concern about this silence extends to other film festivals in the region, including the Red Sea International Film Festival, which takes the same silent stance.

The signatories noted that, within this global context of silencing and erasure, their primary role is to support Palestinian filmmakers, who decide to screen their films and present their film projects, in places where recognition of their voices, narratives and images is more necessary than ever, as all those who choose to travel to Marrakech have the task of putting Palestine first.

They also called on all those who submit films or film projects to shed light on Palestine, to break the silence of the festival at the level of official communication, and warned that as serious and sensitive as the situation is, new doors open for change, which makes them in an absolute position to present their voices in the service of the Palestinian cause, and condemn silence, at a time when Palestinian journalists and filmmakers are increasingly being targeted by the Israeli occupation forces.

Through the same statement, the signatories also expressed their support for those who decide to withdraw their films in protest against the silence of any festival.

Like many Palestinians and all people of conscience around the world, the signatories called for an immediate end to the forced displacement and genocide of the Palestinian people, calling for an end to the Israeli occupation and apartheid policy, an end to the blockade on Gaza and the guarantee of the right of return for all Palestinian refugees.

Source : Al Jazeera