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Duration 08 minutes 54 seconds 08:54

On the 53rd day of the Israeli war on Gaza, the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Islamic Jihad handed over the fifth batch of Israeli detainees in the Gaza Strip to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Tuesday evening, in exchange for the Israeli occupation authorities' release of 30 Palestinian prisoners as part of a prisoner exchange deal between the two parties.

Meanwhile, the Qatari capital, Doha, witnessed a diplomatic movement to reach a broader deal, as the CIA press office confirmed to Al Jazeera the presence of the agency's director, William Burns, in Doha for talks on the conflict between Israel and Hamas and the issue of hostages, while the Qatari Foreign Ministry confirmed that work is underway to strengthen the role of Qatari mediation to reach a permanent ceasefire.

In Gaza, which is in the fifth day of the two-day truce, aid continues to enter the enclave, but local and UN officials say the entry is still insufficient for needs, especially in terms of food, medical supplies and fuel.

Here are the highlights of the day:

  • Al Jazeera correspondent: The bus of Palestinian prisoners left Ofer prison and reached Beitunia in the West Bank.
  • Israeli army: The fifth batch of detainees liberated from Gaza are now in Israel.
  • The handover of the detainees to the Red Cross took place in the presence of a joint military presence from the Qassam Brigades and the Jerusalem Brigades.
  • Qatari Foreign Ministry: We hope to make progress in the coming hours and days to reach a permanent ceasefire.
  • IDF: A ceasefire is not on the table until the government decides otherwise.
  • Al Jazeera correspondent: Armed clashes between the occupation forces and Palestinian resistance fighters in the city of Jenin
  • Hamas leader Osama Hamdan: Israel's losses will increase and its soldiers have not set foot on 80% of Gaza.
  • UN pressure on Israel to immediately open Kerem Shalom crossing.
  • State media in Gaza announced that the bodies of 160 martyrs had been recovered from the rubble in the past 24 hours.
  • Hamas leader Ghazi Hamad: The truce is going well despite the violations of the occupation.
  • The occupation prevents the entry of a fuel truck into the northern Gaza Strip.
  • King of Jordan: Depriving the people of Gaza of water and food is a war crime.
  • Occupation: Hamas holds the bodies of 3 soldiers killed on October 7.
  • Israeli War Council minister Benny Gantz said, "We will resume firing after the end of the truce."
  • UNICEF: Gaza's hospitals are overwhelmed with injured children.
  • Israeli Chief of Staff: The army and intelligence failed on October 7.
  • Two Israeli soldiers are injured in a bomb explosion in northern Gaza.
  • Director of US intelligence in Doha to discuss the file of prisoners.
  • A third martyr was shot by the occupation in the West Bank.
  • Washington sends 3 planes to Egypt loaded with aid to Gaza.
  • Israel is considering the release of security prisoners in exchange for the release of all detainees in Gaza.
  • Osama Hamdan invites Elon Musk to visit the Gaza Strip to see the extent of the destruction caused by the Israeli bombardment.
  • Israeli army: A thousand officers and soldiers have been injured since the beginning of the Gaza war.
  • Government Information Office: We need hundreds of fuel trucks.
  • An Israeli shell hits southern Lebanon.
  • Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich: The government will promote settlement in the West Bank.
  • UNRWA: The situation in Gaza is very bad.
  • A special force storms the West Bank city of Tubas.
  • Blinken to visit Israel and the West Bank this week.
  • Telephone conversation between Austin and Gallant to discuss developments in Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies + Israeli Press