On a daily basis, Teddy Bayakhmetov works as a rehearsal technician at, among other things, large stage constructions when artists come to Stockholm. But when he climbs to save cats, he says he doesn't want to get paid.

"No, I love cats and want the rescue to be free, and if the owner wants to reimburse me for travel costs or something, that's fine, of course.

One of the few cat rescuers

Teddy says that there aren't many people who devote themselves to rescuing cats in trees.

"In the past, I think you could call the emergency services, but nowadays it's mainly arborists that cat owners get in touch with, if not me.

Some say that the cats come down by themselves?

"That's an old myth, sometimes they can't get down and sometimes they just don't dare because there's a fox or something else nasty running around on the ground.

That's why cats like to climb trees – but have a harder time getting down

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Join us for a walk with Dharken the cat, who likes to climb trees and fly up on the shoulder of both his owner Josefina Zidar's and SVT's reporter – in the middle of the interview. Photo: Hanna Eklund