It was on Saturday that the leader of the Sweden Democrats, Jimmie Åkesson, gave a speech at the party's national days. He attacked religious symbols in Sweden and said he wants to stop the construction of new mosques and confiscate and demolish mosque buildings where anti-democratic, anti-Swedish, homophobic or anti-Semitic propaganda is spread.

The Prime Minister condemned

Since then, Prime Minister Kristersson has condemned the SD leader's statements, calling them "a disrespectful and polarizing way of expressing himself."

Jimmie Åkesson made the move about the mosques at SD's national days this weekend. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

The polarization is also something that the residents of Rosengård object to in SVT News Skåne's survey.

"We live together in the community. We have to respect each other and love each other," says Hussein Yassin.

Watch the full survey in the clip above.